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Medicaid program plan

Search for proposal(s) by your state(ARIZONA) governor to deal with a health care
access problem and write a paper of 1,250?1,500 words that outlines the elements of the
current program and the governor’s proposals for improved access.
A minimum of three scholarly sources must be cited.


In recent times, it is essential to come up with effective strategies or proposals to
improve the operations in the health sector. Adoption of these measures impacts the health sector
positively by ensuring improved access to health care services to all people. The need to improve
the type of health care received by the people has prompted the various states to come up with
efficient policies and proposals that lead to positive outcomes (Sommers et al, 2012). The health
systems of different states have been designed to suit the best strategies and proposals forwarded
and implemented in the best possible way. Arizona is among the many states that seeks to
modernize its Medicaid programs. In this case, the governor of Arizona State has taken that
initiative to come up with the proposal and plans to enhance better access to healthcare. The
governor gave a proposal of the AHCCCS care program that would revolutionize the health
sector in Arizona. The major problem faced by the state is inadequate healthcare services that do
not fit or attain the requirements of a modernized Medicaid program (Sommers et al, 2012). The
plan unveiled by the proposal would, therefore, address the problems of health care access
The proposal by the Governor helped modernize and make major improvements to the
AHCCCS Medicaid program of Arizona which has plans on addressing the issue of access to

healthcare. During the proposal for the Medicaid program plan, various elements were identified
to compose the care plan. The program focuses on various elements such as engagement, choice,
responsibility, and accountability. The AHCCCS program resulting from the Governor’s
proposal also focuses and aims to achieve some set objectives to revolutionize the healthcare
sector (Jacobs & Callaghan.2013). Some of the issues focused on by the program include
promoting quality of healthcare at subsidized costs, encouraging wellness, increasing individual
responsibility and expansion of health technology. All these issues focus on ensuring better
access to healthcare services in the Arizona state addressing the problems. The governor
identified health costs as a major issue hindering the accessibility to health care services among
the people in the state. In this case, the governor was of the opinion that the program should
address the issue and ensure that healthcare provided is quality and cost effective in nature
(Jacobs & Callaghan, 2013).
Through the program, people would be able to receive enhanced services not offered by
the Medicaid program currently and allowing them to take charge of their individual health. The
program also ensures the full protection of taxpayers in the state from fraud and rewarding
individual responsibility with the aim of eliminating abuse in the health system (Jacobs &
Callaghan, 2013). The steadfast commitment to focus on the vulnerable and provision of quality
care for those in the state is essential when making plans for the program. Such measures are
considered very innovative and help in solving the health care access problems experienced in
the state by its residents. The Governor’s plan also helps promote accessibility to health care
services by allowing people to carry their savings from their account with them while moving
from the Medicaid program (Blumberg et al, 2013). The strategies would help the easier
transition of people in the state wanting to move to the private insurance companies from the

Medicaid program. Individuals would thus be able to join the co-pays and deductibles world thus
eliminating the possible problems and hindrances of health care access that are experienced in
the Medicaid program.
The Governor would collaborate with the AHCCCS program in ensuring a modernized
approach to communications is adopted in the health system of Arizona. The approach would be
enhanced through innovative technology. The strategy would ensure patients get access to
management tools for their chronic diseases and also manage aspects of urgent care online while
interacting with primary care doctors (Blumberg et al, 2013). Such features of the proposal and
plans for the program enhances better management of illness and accessibility to care, providers.
The timely care is also made possible while patients in Arizona are protected from paying for
appointments that are constantly missed while seeking for healthcare services. Affordability of
care and ensuring the quality of care is fundamental to improving the accessibility of healthcare
and also its transformation in the Arizona state. The Governor proposes and implements the plan
that encourages people to be proactive in nature while in the healthcare system of Arizona
(Blumberg et al, 2013).
The Governor’s proposal to have a plan involving making changes on Arizona health
system through cost containment would make it possible for the residents to access the services
which were previously hindered by high costs (Sommers et al,2012). The Medicaid plans have
ensured that residents of Arizona that live on a low-income would be covered as compared to
previous times where they were left out. The proposal and plans have made it possible to cover
even those below the poverty level through the elimination of spend-down category which cost
the residents high medical bills thus limiting their access to healthcare services. The provision of
care to those who need it most and having a responsible Medicaid program as proposed by the

Governor would have positive impacts in the health sector (Sommers et al, 2012). In a nutshell,
the effective implementation of plans would improve access to healthcare services for the
residents of Arizona State.


Blumberg, S. J., Ganesh, N., Luke, J. V., & Gonzales, G. (2013). Wireless substitution: state-
level estimates from the National Health Interview Survey, 2012. National health
statistics reports, (70).
Jacobs, L. R., & Callaghan, T. (2013). Why states expand Medicaid: Party, resources, and
history. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 38(5), 1023-1050.
Sommers, B. D., Baicker, K., & Epstein, A. M. (2012). Mortality and access to care among
adults after state Medicaid expansions. New England Journal of Medicine, 367(11),

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