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Corporate Social Responsibility

Research a corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy Google Corporation. Prepare to discuss

the benefits and disadvantages of the policy with your team.

Imagine your team represents the executive committee at an imaginary organization tasked with drafting

a CSR policy.

�What is one social initiative your organization will champion?

Corporate Social Responsibility


Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate social responsibility refers to a positive business ideology that lays down
guidelines for ethical responsible conduct in the society. It covers how companies should handle
shareholder groups that include the employees, esteemed customers, suppliers and the
community that want to satisfy the government and societal demands. For example, the Google
grants, which supports hundreds of organizations in addressing social issues such as education,
poverty alleviation, disability aid, healthcare and community development, is a perfect example.
Companies and other institutions should come up with better strategies that can help in solving
environmental issues (D’Amato, Henderson, & Florence, 2009).
CSR is beneficial to a company in that it markets the firm; it helps in building a long term
and trusting relationship with the customers, which most business desire; it enhances employees
productivity and innovation, which promotes teamwork; and improves morale in the workplace.
It also improves a company’s returns, hence, promoting financial performance. Corporate social
responsibility, on the other hand, has defects such as, it is expensive for smaller businesses since
it requires more employees training; efficient waste management procedures; and a budget for
environmental programs. Some critics also claim that companies use CSR only to benefit the
themselves by creating a good image and increasing the shareholders wealth and not benefiting
the society. They use the idea of CSR to reach out to customers for their own interests (D’Amato,
Henderson, & Florence, 2009).
As a food processing company, laying the foundation for a successful CSR policy would
be to determine the factors that make our organization unique such as innovation, quality
production, and service. Businesses today require individuals who mind about the wellbeing of
others and behave ethically while they make profits and, therefore, we would include a budget
and infrastructure for proper equipment and training to come up with strategies that curb
environmental pollution such as using more environmentally favorable packaging products, use
of radiation to kill pathogenic microorganism, and waste reduction. This will help us define what
roles our company play in the society. We would develop policies that curb what will motivate
employees and align the company’s objectives with external stakeholders. We would clearly
define what role our company plays in the society, which would be an opportunity to get global
and creative.



D’Amato, A., Henderson, S., & Florence, S. (2009). CSR and Accountability. In , Corporate
Social Responsibility & Sustainable Business: A Guide to Their Leadership Tasks &
Functions (pp. 6-7).

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