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Strategic Human Capital Management

Strategic Human Capital Management

Strategic Human Capital Management
Internal and External Threats to an Organization

Most of the internal threats in the organization are as result of errors and poor corporate
practices by the employees. For instance, internal threats of the organization include both
intentional and accidental problems such as fraud, mishandling of information by employees,
errors due to lack of competence. Security of the organizations database may fail victim of the
human error. External threats may include both external and external accidents. For instance, the

modern computer systems with some components residing on the public internet pose risks. As
such, a chain of occurrences such as a storm cutting out power to a server may affect the IT
database. Other threats take the form of competition, political, economic, and social factors
(Dragnić, 2014).

Methods to Detect Internal and External Threats to the Organization
The value chain and SWOT analysis are tools for detecting the internal threats of the
organization while the PESTEL, Porter’s five forces analysis tools are useful in detecting the
external threats of the organization (Dragnić, 2014).
Methods to Protect the Organization from Internal and External Threats
The organization can adopt the more sophisticated technologies to safeguard information.
Regular audits are necessary to ensure that finances are being utilized appropriately. Monitoring
and evaluation of programs is effective in addressing effectiveness (Menguc et al., 2010).
Strategic planning and management ensures that the company stays on top of the competition.
Proactive Plan of Environmental Scanning to Evaluate any Existing Threats to AGC
The first step will entail gathering information about the externalities i.e economy, laws,
demographic, and government factors. Next, AGC will need to focus on its competitors in terms
of trends, threats, and opportunities that might impact its business. The other step will entail
conducting an internal scan of the AGC in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Data should be
collected through a series of methods such as focus groups, publications, library, leaders, and
media. After collecting the data, analysis will be undertaken to identify changes that require to be
made (Menguc et al., 2010).

The Purpose of a Code of Conduct

The code of ethics is a guide and reference for employees in undertaking the plans of
AGC in achieving its goals. It protects the company and informs workers of their expectations.
The code will help AGC to develop and maintain the standard of conduct for its employees,
customers, vendors, and suppliers/partners (Dragnić, 2014).
Challenges of Virtual Offices

Virtual offices present several challenges including unproductively and communication
problems (Menguc et al., 2010). However, these challenges can be overcome through a robust IT
system that supports remote environment.

The Role of Human Capital Managers

The role of the HR is changing from the previously considered support function to a more
strategic partner in helping companies achieve their goals. The HR managers at AGC will help in
enhancing the employees’ contribution towards achieving success and competitive advantage
(Menguc et al., 2010).


Dragnić, D. (2014). Impact of Internal and External Factors on the Performance of Fast-Growing
Small and Meduim Businesses. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management
Issues, 19(1), 119-159.
Menguc, B., Auh, S., & Ozanne, L. (2010). The Interactive Effect of Internal and External
Factors on a Proactive Environmental Strategy and its Influence on a Firm’s
Performance. Journal Of Business Ethics,94(2), 279-298.

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