Analyzing a Marketing Plan
It is critical that the writer follow closely the instructions and address all the four main points mentioned in
the instructions below. But he must also pay attention to overall requirement of the paper and respond
accordingly covering all aspects of the paper. Resources have been provided where the writer will use to
respond to this paper.
Analyzing a Marketing Plan
It is important that you clearly address the 4 points listed below in details and most importantly give
several recommendations as mentioned in the last point to address.
Listed in your Resources are links to different marketing plans, each dealing with a campaign to increase
tourism in a certain state in the U.S. Take a few moments to glance through each of the marketing plans
After studying the resources for this week and examining the marketing plans, select one of the marketing
plans to analyze in greater details. Respond to the following:
� What are the salient features of the plan?
� What are strengths of the plan? What are the weaknesses?
� How does the plan address establishing effective communication with the correct market segment?
� Give several recommendations as to possible strategies to improve the overall marketing plan.
The Salient Features of the Plan
The article “The Continuing Power of Mass Advertising” by Nunes and Merrihue (2007)
has three salient features. First, it has tried to explain why the current marketing efforts are not
bringing in much changes as anticipated, which is the reason why the United States is not
enjoying from the expected of tourists. Second, it has offered recommendations which may make
a difference, such as the implementation of the one-to-one targeting alongside the broadcasting
of 30-second television spots (Nunes & Merrihue, 2007). The recommendations are not left
hanging, but further explanations have been provided to ensure the reader gets the right
information. For instance, the authors argue that the ‘Market of One’ approach itself will not be
as effective without the required significant upfront investment. These have also been explained
in further detail. Therefore, this plan is clear and easy to understand. Lastly, the plan does not
focus on a single strategy, but also analyses others, stating their strengths and weaknesses. For
example, the ‘Market of One’ approach was disqualified because the required upfront investment
has turned out to be daunting, especially for families trying to make amends as quick as possible
to the changing environment.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Plan
Just like many others, this plan has strengths and weaknesses. An example of strength is
that the marketing strategies included as examples have been analyzed by looking at various
companies including McDonalds, Procter & Gamble, Sony, Microsoft and many others.
Therefore, their effects can be analyzed from a real life perspective and not only from theory.
Another strength is that it features a recommendation of a strategy that appears to have potential
for the tourism situation in the U.S. Lastly, strength also includes the fact that the authors
conducted research on the main issues which would raise concern for organizations.
Weakness of this plan is that some of the recommended approaches will not be long
lasting. For instance, the Trojan horse approach which involves sneaking in advertisements
where they are not expected. The advertisement will not last there long enough for many people
to view it. Thus, it will be wastage of marketing resources.
How the Plan addresses Establishing Effective Communication with the Correct Market
Tourism is an industry, which does not restrict individuals in terms of age and gender.
Therefore, the target market is far wide than anyone can imagine. The reason why tourism rate is
low in the United States may be because individuals do not know about the value of such states,
and all they need is someone to remind them, or influence them positively. From the article, it is
clear that many individuals nowadays are in a private space where they control the ads they wish
to encounter. This means that for the plan to be effective, it must take an approach that will reach
people despite these blockages. The authors, therefore, have managed to devise a plan that will
effectively meet the target segment as advertisements will be placed in public areas where people
must go every now and then.
Although this plan is above average, it is important that it also makes use of varying
strategies to make it even more effective. For example, these authors should incorporate the idea
of Riegner (2007), which is to implement the word of mouth advertising on the web. This way,
whenever an individual notes an advertisement on the web, he or she will most likely
communicate to others thus enhancing advertising for the company (Keller, 2007).
Another recommendation may be borrowed from the website Wisconsin Department of
Tourism (n.d.) whereby advertising is only conducted during certain seasons whereby tourism is
expected to be at its peak. Instead of merely focusing on a single plan, it is also important for the
United States to develop a strategic plan that will be constantly developed ever now and then
(Hawaii Tourism Authority, n.d.). The use of other common forms of advertising should also not
be ignored, because with the right combination, great results are expected (Havlena, Cardarelli,
& Montigny, 2007). Lastly, the tourism attractions being advertised should indeed be presented
in the state where they are being advertised in. False information is always a setback for
advertisements (Usunier & Cestre, 2007).
Havlena, W., Cardarelli, R., & Montigny, M. (2007). Quantifying the isolated and synergistic
effects of exposure frequency for TV, print and Internet advertising. Journal of
Advertising Research 47(3), 215–221. doi:10.2501/S0021849907070262
Hawaii Tourism Authority. (n.d.). Hawaii Tourism Strategic Plan: 2005–2015.
Keller, E. (2007). Unleashing the power of word of mouth: Creating brand advocacy to drive
growth. Journal of Advertising Research, 47(4), 448–452.
Nunes, P., & Merrihue, J. (2007). The continuing power of mass advertising. MIT Sloan
Management Review, 48(2), 63–71. Retrieved from Business Source Premier database.
Riegner, C. (2007). Word of mouth on the Web: The impact of Web 2.0 on consumer purchase
decisions. Journal of Advertising Research, 47(4), 436–447. Retrieved from Business
Source Premier database.
Usunier, J., & Cestre, G. (2007). Product ethnicity: Revisiting the match between products and
countries. Journal of International Marketing, 15(3), 32–72. doi:10.1509/jimk.15.3.32
Wisconsin Department of Tourism. (n.d.). 2006–2007 Wisconsin department of tourism strategic
marketing plan.