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American History

American History

The four page typed book report over “The Day The Cowboys Quit”. The book report may be a general
review of the
material, a report on a particular topic of interest from the book, or
the contributions of one or more significant characters from the story,
and must include at least two primary sources of information which are
cited in the report.
Format Instructions:

  1. Includes a cover/title page.
  2. Begins with a standard introductory paragraph.
  3. Typed/double spaced with a font no greater than 14.
  4. One inch side margins, two inch top margin, one inch bottom
  5. Minimum of four pages excluding cover sheet and citation page.
  6. Includes a minimum of two citations from primary sources.
  7. No more than three direct quotations from the book (quotations
    must be cited).

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The Day the Cowboys Quit

The book ‘The Day the Cowboys Quit’ is a book written by Elmer Kelton that describes a
strike that happened at Old Tascosa in the Texas Panhandle in 1883. The story is set against the
background of the great Canadian River Cowboy strike of the 1883. This book is crucial to a
reader by giving a benefit of thought of what was happening at this period. The book also brings
forth the complexity and excitement of the main character in the story, Hugh Hitchcock. In
addition, the book has an interest in describing a specific interest inside changing dynamic from
the new West. The book represent on how cattle ranching was used by corporations and
syndicates to make profits out of the cowboys. As reader goes through the book, elements of
complexities in making both great and damaging choices will be seen mostly from the main
character, Hitchcock. Therefore, the following discussion will engage in describing a general
view of the book.
General review

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The tale in ‘The day the Cowboys Quit’ is a true event that happened in the Texas
Panhandle in 1883. The strike that is happening at this time by the cowboys was initially
precipitated by activities that happened before in regarding the relationship between the rancher
owners and the cowboys themselves. Elmer Kelton describes the cowboys as honest and true
men who worked diligently to the ranch owners. Before even the strike was planned, the
cowboys had the opportunity to own some cattle of which they had a huge turnover from them as
they controlled cattle farming inside the American West. The rancher owners allowed cowboys
to own cattle because they knew that cowboy’s job was a hard one, and there was a need to give
bonuses to those who exemplified hard work and diligence (Kelton 54). In addition, the cowboys
had the chance to own horses on their own. The cowboys also enjoyed the privileges of changing
their owner’s brands to their own brand. However, these cowboys soon discovered that the ranch
owners were not happy with the fact that they owned cattle. The source of the problem can be
attributed to three men: the old time land rancher, the big rancher manager and Hitchcock who is
seen trying to accumulate the most cattle. All these men have one thing in common: greed. The
story goes that the ranch owners and managers were bitter with the cowboys as the cowboys
managed more in the farming industry (Kelton 112). They therefore devised way of coming with
laws to counteract this trend. . This is what made the cowboys angry and plotted a strike to deal
with the cattle owners. The ranch owners started viewing the cowboys as pieces of larger puzzle
of the ranch and not as people of worth and value. However, not all ranch owners were against
the cowboys on owning the cattle. For instance, Charlie, a ranch owner, differed to Selkirk by
arguing that the cowboys were good people, and there was no reason whatsoever to deny them
these privileges. However, his position was changed immediately when Hitchcock informed him
that Law, (hitch friend who is also a cowboy), stole his (hitch) cattle.

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In the beginning, the cowboys were not very determined about the strike, but as time
progressed, emotions and felling became increased in severity. Some cowboys were not
interested in engaging in the strike, for instance, Hitch, working under Charlie, was against the
strike. During all time, Hitchcock was an undercover to the other cowboys, and became its
unofficial leader. As the leader of the group, Hitchcock proposed that the ranch owner (Charlie)
to pay them fifty dollars a month and send each proposal to other rancher. However, this
proposal was ignored as Serkik refused to receive the statement on payments (Kelton 145). This
made the cowboys to become weaker and weaker as food issue became a problem. Problems
were heightened when some strikers started leaving the group. In fact, Hitch himself decided to
leave the group and become a small rancher. Later, Hitchcock was advised a fellow cowboy that
Charlie was going to have the smaller brands declared illegal. Therefore, to act responsively on
this statement, Hitch drove his cattle across the county line, but he was hit and his cattle were
taken away. The spirit of rebellion was now rejuvenated in Hitch and as a result devised ways on
how to get his herd of cattle back.
During this activities in searching his stolen cattle, Hitch was informed by a fellow
cowboy that Law was about to be hanged by ranch owners for being found stealing cattle. He
quickly sets to rescue his friend but found that Law had been already lynched by the time he
arrived at the ranch. He opted to get assistance from sheriff who he found out that he had already
quitted. The course of the strike changed by Hitch starting to campaign for the sheriff and as a
matter of surprise he successfully won. He was now determined to avenge the death of Law, and
consequently, he warranted for murder for person who hanged Law. However, his motive to
punish the murderer was not meet as the jury listening to the murder case of Law had different
opinion (Kelton 167). In the ‘court room’, one judge told Hitch that a retrial would of wasting

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time in getting justice to law, but reinforced Hitch’s statement that no vigilance justice would be
tolerated. Revenge was manifested in the courtroom when Rascal (Serkirk’ cowboy) short
Dodge, the new Sherriff, because his boss had not paid him what he owned him.
While Hitch is trying his best to evade new rules, the ranchers on the other hand are
devising a strategic way to silence the strikers without using force. The officials of the ranchers
started firing the cowboys on the spot. The rancher owners started luring the strikers to accept a
slight increase in wages and fired those who declined the offer. To demonstrate that they were
serious, the rancher owners continued with roundup plans by hiring replacement workers at
temporarily increased wages (Kelton 234).The strike was now deeming to cease, as most of the
replacement workers were actually the strikers who asked their respective bosses to resume
work. In two months tome, the strike was much weakened due to many roundups occurred
without incidents. Lack of enthusiasm and poor organization led the strike to finally fizzle out of
its mission. It is observed that many cowboys went back to their actual stations while others
drifted and got work at the less regulated outfits that still reigned farther to the south. The book
ends dramatically with the workers left under the mercy of those who had earlier stripped their
way of life.

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Works Cited

Kelton, Elmer. The Day the Cowboys Quit. New York: Forge, 2008. Print.
Kelton, E. The day the cowboys quit. New York: Tor. 2013. Print.

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