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Leadership styles

Journal entry

For this essay (entry) it is required to maintain a weekly journal, documenting important aspects of
leadership they encounter over the duration of the module. Entries into the journal may include examples
of leadership personally witnessed or insights gained through readings or class discussions.

1)I want 2 entries each one is around 100 words, and each entry is in separate word document.

2)Entries should be placed in a journal.

3)Entries should be based on your learning experience after reading the attached files.

4)You are free to follow your own format as long as it is logically structured.


Journal entry

Journal Entry 1
Leadership styles I have learned over the duration of the module

  1. Charismatic leadership: I have learned that leaders who are charismatic possess
    qualities which compel or draw other people. I have learned the role that leaders who
    are charismatic play in terms of facilitating group pressures. Leaders who are
    charismatic utilize personal charm, convincing communication, as well as attractiveness
    in influencing followers. They motivate their followers by communicating a vision
    (Samnani & Singh 2012, p. 194). Examples of leaders who were, or who are charismatic
    include former CEO of Southwest Airlines Herb Kelleher, President Barak Obama, and
    Virgin Group CEO Sir. Richard Branson.
  2. Transformational leadership: people who have transformational leadership style are
    very good at influencing change in groups, in people, and even in larger organizations.
    Such leaders have a vision or goals that seek to work for the good of everyone (Burns
    2010, p. 3). Examples of transformational leaders include Nelson Mandela and
    Mahatma Gandhi.

Journal Entry 2
Team leadership model and team effectiveness
 I have learned how a team leadership model can assist leaders in overcoming certain
weaknesses of transformational or charismatic leadership. To surmount such
shortcomings, leaders need to perform two major acts to create team effectiveness: first
is achievement of task; and second is maintenance of the team. Performing these
functions is essential for the health as well as success of the team.
 I have also learned that the team leadership model spells out that to promote team
effectiveness, the responsibility of the team leader could be classified into 4 processes
namely coordination, affective, cognitive, as well as motivational (Bass 2009, p. 97).



Bass, BM 2009, From Transactional to Transformational Leadership. Albany, NY: Free Press.
Burns, JM 2010, Leadership. New York City, NY: Harper & Row.

Samnani, A., & Singh, P 2013, When leaders victimize: The role of charismatic leaders in

facilitating group pressures, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol 24, pp.189-202.

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