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Change Management

Multiple Perspectives

Follow the instructions on page 273 of your text, Identify the problem you used, the stakeholders who
have an investment in this issue, and the stakeholders’ perspectives. Also, comment on the value and
insight of this exercise. How would this exercise help a group appreciate multiple points of view and
become more skilled in creating a strategy to accomplish their goals?


Senge, P. M., Kleiner, A., Roberts, C., Smith, B., & Ross, R. (1994). The fifth discipline fieldbook:
Strategies and tools for building a learning organization. New York: Doubleday. ISBN: 0385472560.


BUS4802 – Change Management

Organizations experience different challenges as they render their services to the
customers and other stakeholders. This paper deliberates on problem faced, stakeholders that
have an investment in the issue, their perspectives as well comments on the value and insight of
doing this exercise.
The problem I used is reluctant of the organization to embrace change. Change is good if
its benefits overweigh its drawbacks. It is also important that people or stakeholders be engaged
to solicit their views to ensure that the change is adopted and implemented. The stakeholders that
have an investment in this issue include the customers, the suppliers, the employees and the
investors. These stakeholders are important in the operation of the organization, as they engage
in symbiotic relationship.
Stakeholders have different perspectives concerning the issues. Some of the stakeholders
such as investors are optimistic about the changes, as they believe that they will impact
positively on the organization (Senge, Kleiner, Roberts, Smith & Ross, 1994). They believe that
the changes if well implemented will be of tremendous benefit to them as well as other
stakeholders. Groups of customers are adamant because they have not understood the essence of
embracing change. They feel that the change will have negative impact on the services or rather
relationship they have with the organization.

This exercise of great value as it provides an opportunity to have in-depth understanding
of the problems that entities face and the appropriate mechanism to handle the same. It is very
important to ensure that all stakeholders participate in the decision making process of an
organization. This exercise as well provides insights on the operations of an organization and the
issues they face in their daily operation. Change is something that triggers mixed reactions from
various parties and is important that it is well managed to have positive impact.



Senge, P. M., Kleiner, A., Roberts, C., Smith, B., & Ross, R. (1994). The fifth discipline
fieldbook: Strategies and tools for building a learning organization. New York:
Doubleday. ISBN: 0385472560.

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