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Communication in a multi generational work force

Communication in a multi generational work force

Draft Qualitative Proposal

Eventually, the University will require you to make a formal proposal for your research. This week, you will
practice creating a portion of such a proposal by drafting a submission to your Instructor. Using your work
in this week and in previous weeks, propose a qualitative study, addressing the following:

�Formulate relevant research questions and hypotheses.

�Can your idea be tested with any of the various types of experimental designs? Why or why not?

�What is your design? Why have you chosen that design?

�What is your target population? How would you identify and recruit participants?

�What data collection method might you use? How would that data help answer your research


Communication in a multi generational work force 2

�How consistent are these data collection methods with methods used in existing research on your

topic? Why did you choose these methods? What are the alternatives?

Communication in a multi generational work force

According to Bruce & Montanez (2012), effective communication abilities are the
lubricant that develops almost all organization. Sadly, with the incredibly speedy advances in
technology, simple communications have become complex. The difficulties of communication
have become much more evident in the places of work especially since current workplaces
arguably comprises of four different generations.
Research questions

Communication in a multi generational work force 3
 What is a multi-generational workplace?
 How to communicate and speak in ways that inspire every generation?
 How do the generations bring diverse challenges, ideas, and opportunities to the place of

This idea can be tested using any of the various types of experimental designs because it does
not require quantitative elements but rather qualitative. I have chosen use of experiments for this
idea because it will enable me to build two or more teams of employees to compare. In this case,
I will have four different generations to compare. I will choose employees from different
generations who occupy sections which involve a lot of communication (Hennink, Hutter &
Bailey, 2010).
I will use a direct observation as a data collection method as it will enable me to analyze the
effectiveness of communication among the generations in the workplace. Also, this method will
ensure that there is no bias in the information collected from the four teams. There is an option of
using questionnaires to collect data from these groups. This is for purposes of ensuring that every
participant answers questions without fear because the questionnaires will be responded to
anonymously (Hennink, Hutter & Bailey, 2010).
There are various measures that can be adopted for purposes of ensuring that the data
collected is reliable and of high quality. They include using dependable data sources, choosing
reliable method by which data is confined from the source, and verifying data before using it. It
is also important to ensure that the data collected meets the clearly operationalized and defined
goals and objectives. Also, the data collected should be able to match the goals and objectives of
the research.

Communication in a multi generational work force 4
Data analysis involves the interpretation of the significance of data collected, structured, and
presented in the form of bar chart, table, line graph, or other forms of presentation. The process
involves seeking patterns; disparities, similarities, trends, and other connections and thinking
about what these trends might mean. For this research, exploratory data analysis method is the
most ideal. This is because it involves analyzing data to sum up their main features, usually with
visual techniques (Pawar, 2004).
The target audience for this analysis is the managers who are usually in charge of multi-
generational workplace. This is because it is important for them to understand that
communication issues will not usually come from one individual or generation. This is because
every group thinks that it is the other group’s problem. The duty is really mutual. With this
knowledge, managers can be able to identify the differences in the groups hence can encourage
the multi-generational workers to talk about them. When these generations are able to talk about
their differences, they can be able to come up with communication solutions. Therefore,
managers need to gain this knowledge for them to lead the entire group in the direction of having
proper communication among the multi-generations in the workplace.

Communication in a multi generational work force 5


Bruce A. &, Montanez S.M. (2012). Leaders Start to Finish: A Road Map for Developing Top
Performers. American Society for Training and Development.

Hennink M., Hutter I.,& Bailey A. (2010). Qualitative Research Methods. SAGE.

Pawar M.S.(2004). Data Collecting Methods and Experiences: A Guide for Social Researchers.
Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

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