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Spheres and stages of discipleship

Spheres and stages of discipleship

For this assignment, you will write a paper summarizing and analyzing the 5 stages and 4 spheres of
discipleship. Identify what stage of discipleship you are currently in, giving evidence from your life and
correlating biblical support. Also, identify what spheres you need to submit to the centrality of Christ by
referring to Bonhoeffer�s call to the cross. Conclude with at least 1 page discussing what it means to be
in submission to Christ, using Scripture and other scholarly sources.This assignments must be at least 5
pages and in current Turabian format. This assignment must include a bibliography with a minimum of 5

Many people take discipleship in Christ as a whole aspect that cannot be put into
segment. But contrary to this, there are five distinct stages and four phases in discipleship which
are important for anyone interested in the notion of discipleship to note. This paper analyses the
five stages and four phases of discipleship. It also gives insight in to the stage that I particularly


think I am in view of my life and the spheres that I need to submit to the centrality of Christ in
reference to Bonhoeffer’s call to the cross.
Stages and spheres of discipleship
Stages of discipleship denote the progressive advancements in the discipleship in Christ.
One does not wake up one day and find himself being a full grown disciple of Christ. Stages of
discipleship are stages in which one undergoes, growing more and more in order to attain the
highest order in the discipleship. 1 The stages of disciple ship are; spiritually dead, spiritual infant,
spiritual child, spiritual young adult and finally, spiritual parent. As the theological language
used denote, the stages of discipleship can be aligned to the stages in human growth and
development, from unborn to adulthood and becoming a parent.
During the stage of spiritually dead, the individual is not aware of the existence of God’s
grace which is capable of transforming them to His disciples. Such a person lives a kind of life
that does not denote the appreciation of God as their creator. When the grace of God comes upon
their souls, the spiritually dead become spiritual infant whereby they begin to experience the
grace received. Those two stages can be related to Jesus’ utterances on the mountain concerning
the poor in spirit. Matthew 5:3-4 blessed are the poor in sprit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
The third stage o spiritual child denotes the meekness that is supposed to be shown by
those who have realized the grace of God in order to grow in Him. This can be associated with
the words of Jesus in Matthew 5: 5 where He said that blessed are meek. This meekness can be
likened to the humility in children who endeavor to learn more.

Formation & Soul Care 7, no. 1: 28.


2 The fourth stage denotes the growth to young adults by having the fulfillment of hunger
and thirst of righteousness. Matthew 5:6-8 ‘blessed are those who hunger and thirst.’ The final
stage which is spiritual parent denotes the ability to bring others to the light of Christ. A disciple
at this stage can be likened to a diplomat who intends to make pace. This can be highlighted with
Jesus words concerning the peace makers. Matthew 5:9 ‘blessed are the peace makers.
The spheres of discipleship touch on how the disciple interacts with her internal and
external environment. When one becomes a disciple of Christ, their ways of interaction must
show a difference from those that are not disciples. The first sphere of discipleship is the
interaction of the disciple with God. This is very crucial because it shapes the growth of the
disciples through the five stages of discipleship.
The second sphere is the interaction of the disciple with their family. When a person
becomes a disciple of Christ, their interaction with their family must be aligned to the ways
expected of a disciple. The interaction of the disciple with the church is the third sphere of
discipleship. One becomes a full disciple of Christ, the exercise of the discipleship cannot be
isolated with the deliberations of the church. One must therefore ensure that they relate with the
church in a manner that denotes true discipleship. 3
The fourth sphere of discipleship is the relationship of the disciple with the world. The
disciple must ensure that he portrays a kind of life that shows light to the rest of the world, as a
disciple of Christ. This can be highlighted with Jesus’ words that we are the light of the world
(Matthew 5: 14)

3 McGrath, Alister E. 2011. “The Lord is my light: on the discipleship of the mind.” Evangelical Quarterly 83, no. 2:


Although this might be subject to critique, I would think that I am in the fourth stage of
discipleship. The fourth stage of discipleship denotes the hunger and thirst for the true
knowledge of God. When this thirst and hunger is quenched, the disciple is capable of moving
from the fourth stage of young adult to the stage of parent whereby, one will be capable of
leading the congregation with full knowledge and understanding from the grace of God.
The reason I think I am in this fourth stage is because of the zeal I have to have more
knowledge on spiritual matters such that in the near future I will be capable of leading the
congregation and showing the way, not by my own power, but through the guidance of the Holy
spirit. This stage is fully recognized by God, as noted in Jesus sermon on the mount where He
says that blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness. (Matthew 5: 6)
It is this hunger and thirst to grow in the righteousness of Christ that has seen me attend
varied seminars concerning theology. I also devote a lot of time to seek the light of God from the
Bible. This thirst and hunger associated with the fourth stage of discipleship known as young
adult, has seen me endeavor to accomplish this course in theology. I expect that, when this thirst
and hunger is quenched, I will be capable of leading others in the light of God by his grace
because, then, I will be a spiritual parent impacting on others. 4
Spheres to be submitted to centrality of Christ.
In regard to Bonhoeffer’s call to the cross, I would say that the sphere of relating with the
world to be submitted to the centrality of Christ. This is because of the complication of the
relationship of the disciples with the world that is portrayed by the events leading to the death of
this disciple of Christ. The events leading to Bonheoffer’s death portray the complexity of the
4 Reid, Melissa. 2013. “Unjust Signifying Practices: Submission and Subordination among Christian
Fundamentalists.” Journal Of Feminist Studies In Religion (Indiana University Press) 29, no. 2: 158.


relationship of disciples with the world. This is because, sometimes, the world will uphold
aspects that are against the will of God. This then, calls for one to stand firm with the wish of
God. 5
To go against the waves upheld by the surrounding social environment is not easy 6 . The
disciples must therefore, submit this sphere to the centrality of Christ so that they may receive
Gods grace to enable them overcome the temptations. At times when the world is venturing in
activities that are not against the will of God, he disciples should cooperate; for instance in
initiating developmental initiatives. But when the world is against the will of God, then one
needs to stand their grounds firmly; and this is only achievable through the grace of God when
we submit to the centrality of Christ.
I also feel that, in relation to Bonhoeffer’s call to the cross, the sphere of relationship with
God must also be submitted to the centrality of Christ. This is because; the relationship with God
determines the ability of the disciple to articulate the other spheres as well as to grow through the
stages of discipleship. If Bonhoeffer had not articulated the sphere of relationship with God, it
would have been difficult for him to withstand the challenging relationship with the world.
To be in submission to Christ entails living a kind of life that is based on the wish and
command of Christ rather than our own will or the will of the world. Romans 8: 28 say that; God
will use situations in our lives to make us submit to Him. These calls for disciples to submit to

5 McGrath, Alister E. 2011. “The Lord is my light: on the discipleship of the mind: 140
6 Langford, Michael D. 2014. “Spirit-driven Discipleship A Pneumatology of Youth Ministry.” Theology Today 71, no.
3: 329


Gods will no matter the circumstances we are faced with because; God is there to offer sufficient
grace to us when we submit to Him. 7
Submission to Christ is bound to bring us to face some difficulties because; at times the
social environment does not align to the will of God. At such times, when one conforms to the
submission to Christ, the disciple is bound to be put through persecution of different type. 1 peter
5: 5 explains that in order to be submissive to Christ, we must be humble.


7 Petersen, Douglas. 2013. “KINGDOM RULES: UPSIDE-DOWN DISCIPLESHIP.” Asian Journal Of Pentecostal Studies
16, no. 1: 39


SCRIPTURE.” Journal Of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care 7, no. 1: 22-34. Academic
Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed April 2, 2015).
Langford, Michael D. 2014. “Spirit-driven Discipleship A Pneumatology of Youth Ministry.”
Theology Today 71, no. 3: 323-336. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed
April 2, 2015).
McGrath, Alister E. 2011. “The Lord is my light: on the discipleship of the mind.” Evangelical
Quarterly 83, no. 2: 133-145. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed April 2,
Journal Of Pentecostal Studies 16, no. 1: 31-50. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost
(accessed April 2, 2015).
Reid, Melissa. 2013. “Unjust Signifying Practices: Submission and Subordination among
Christian Fundamentalists.” Journal Of Feminist Studies In Religion (Indiana University
Press) 29, no. 2: 154-161. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed April 2,

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