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Employee job satisfaction and productivity

It is important that the writer strictly follow the templates written directly on the template so that she
/he doesn’t miss anything. All parts of the questions must be professional responded to and the writer
must t6ake into consideration the topic of the research which is “Employee job satisfaction and
productivity “. the paper must be written taking that into consideration as that will be the subject of
research going forward. It is also critical that the writer read the instructions carefully before beginning to
write this paper, also thee writer must read the document from chapter 7 attached in the email as it guilds
and provides critical examples on how the different sections of the questions will be responded.

Descriptive Questions and Hypotheses
Consider the central theme from your Problem Statement, which you have now explored and refined
through a Literature Review, Introduction, and Purpose Statement. Although your work to this point may
have guided you toward a particular research method or approach, there is still value in examining your
topic from a variety of perspectives. Toward that end, one useful exercise involves returning to the
triumvirate of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches and creating hypotheses and
descriptive questions accordingly.
Research Questions and Hypotheses- Employee job satisfaction and productivity
Research Questions and Hypotheses
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the researcher’s proposed research questions
and/or hypotheses.  Research questions help the researcher understand and examine the core
concept of the problem statement (Creswell, 2009).  Based on the selected research design, either
research questions or hypotheses are created.  Research questions are most normally found in the
qualitative and mixed methods research design (Creswell, 2009).  Hypotheses are most normally
found in the quantitative research design (Creswell, 2009).
Problem Statement
In 2005 Ahmad et al conducted a study that revealed a close relationship between the
employees’ level of motivation and rate of employee turnover in Pakistan’s banking sector.
Gopalan on the other hand did a study on social workers and found out that the way they
performed their work was directly linked to how they were treated by the local governments that
had employed them at the time. The general problem is that workers have a generic contract with

their employers where they deliver their services in the different stations in exchange for a wage
or salary at the end of the month. The issue of motivation however clearly has some significance.
Motivation is an abstract concept that is often seldom deliberately discussed. For the
organizations this may be because it is not as directly measurable as hours worked or money
paid. The specific focus of this study is the impact that a worker’s job satisfaction has on his or
her productivity at the workplace. An investigation into the issue of job satisfaction in the
workplace could therefore help in providing a logical way of appraising or assessing job
satisfaction, this is for the benefit of both employees and employers.

Purpose Statement
The purpose of this research study is to investigate the concept of job satisfaction within the
context of the 21 st Century workplace. Job satisfaction is an abstract issue and consequently the
study to be conducted will be largely qualitative. The research design will be correlational since
the productivity of workers will be correlated to their productivity. The variables will be the job
satisfaction and the productivity of the workers. The population to be investigated are ground
employees working at a local airport. This study will contribute to social change by possibly
giving employers and workers a chance to better understand job satisfaction. This will enable
them to engage in meaningful decision making that is actually beneficial to their respective

Qualitative Research Design
    The qualitative research design seeks to answer the questions how and what of that which is
being studied.  Research design is composed of a central question and a series of sub questions.
 Creswell (2009) stated, “the central question is a broad question that asks for an exploration of
the central phenomenon or concept in a study” (p. 129).  The research design looks for patterns
to find the cause of what is being studied.   
To examine the theory that motivation has a direct impact on the performance of a
worker’s duties, the qualitative research design calls for a central question and a related set of
sub questions.  The study’s central question is: What is the relationship between job satisfaction
and employee performance? The related sub questions are
 What is employee motivation?
 What is job satisfaction?  

 How is employee productivity determined?
 Why is the issue of job satisfaction important?
Quantitative Research Design
The quantitative research design includes both research questions and hypotheses.
 Research questions seek to find relationship between independent and dependent variables.
 Hypotheses seek to validate the expected relationship between variables.  Quantitative strategies
provide trends for that which is being studied or determination if a specific variable influences an
outcome (Creswell, 2009).
To examine the theory that job satisfaction has an impact on employee productivity,
hypotheses will be developed.  Hypotheses are
 H 1 : There exists a relationship between job satisfaction and the degree to which an
employee performs at work.
 H 2 : An increase in job satisfaction leads to an increase in productivity.
Hypotheses will be used to determine to what extent productivity in the workplace is
impacted by job satisfaction.
Mixed Methods Research Design
     The mixed methods research design encompasses both qualitative and quantitative research
designs (Creswell, 2009).  This research method can be best described as employing all available
research methods to examine the problem statement.  Mixed methods research design provides a
more holistic approach at arriving at an answer to the problem statement.
To examine the theory that production in the workplace is directly impacted by job
satisfaction, the data collected will have to be subjected to quantitative methods. The research
question will serve to validate survey responses received.  Trends and anomalies observed in the

survey data will be validated through interviews with accounting firm managers.  Outliers in the
data can be appropriately addressed by interviewing accounting firm personnel.   I would utilize
the research question from the qualitative section, and the hypotheses from the quantitative
section, in my proposed mixed methods study.
The problem and purpose statements largely lay the foundation for the research study.
 The problem statement and purpose statement create the research strategy (Creswell, 2009).
 The research strategy determines what questions will be developed and how the questions will
be developed to address the problem statement.  Qualitative and mixed method research
strategies utilize research questions to address problem statement.  Quantitative research utilizes
either research questions or hypotheses to determine if there is a relationship between two
variables (Creswell, 2009).

Ahmad, N., Tariq, M. S., & Hussain, A. (2015). Human resource practices and employee
retention, evidences from banking sector of Pakistan.
approaches. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage
Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
Gopalan, S. S., Mohanty, S., & Das, A. (2012). Assessing community health workers’
performance motivation: a mixed-methods approach on India’s Accredited Social Health
Activists (ASHA) programme. BMJ open, 2(5), e001557.

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