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Childhood Education

Common Core State Standards

As an early childhood educator, it is important to stay up-to-date with current and emerging issues in the
field. It is also important to be well-informed as you shape your viewpoints on these issues.
(my topic)
Common Core State Standards
research the topic to learn more about the issue. One resource you may find helpful to review is the
National Association for the education of Young Children�s Early Childhood Education Topics.

Common Core State Standards

The Common Core State Standards is a project that aims at developing and adopting common
core standards in mathematics, English language and arts for K-12 students. The rationale behind
the development of these standards is to ensure that parents and teachers are provided with a
common basis to understand the issues that students are required to learn in school (NAEYC,
n.d). The consistency of the standards play a significant role in providing students with proper
benchmarks, regardless of their place of residence. Accordingly, the standards properly delineate
the skills and knowledge that students in K-12 should possess. Currently, more than 45 states
have incorporated the standards into the curriculum. Nevertheless, there has been significant
debate with regards to the development and adoption of these Common Core State Standards.
Some of the issues arising from the debate revolve around the contention that the process
through which the new K-12 standards were created did not ensure adequate public dialogue,
research, and input from the educators (Strauss, 2013).
Although NAEYC applauded this initiative, it has raised several concerns as well as
recommendations on the best way to implement the standards. According to NAEYC, the
standards should not be restricted to only mathematics, arts, and English languages, because this
might lead to curriculum and instructional practice being narrowed down to the detriment of
student learning and development. In particular, NAEYC recommended that the standards should
also apply to students’ emotional and social development. Accordingly, NAEYC believes that

the Common Core State Standards have a great role on contributing to their goal of ensuring that
the development of children is effectively handled by giving them the highest quality of
educational experiences in childhood. The main recommendation made by NAEYC in regards to
the proper implementation of these standards include cooperation within the entire early
childhood education community.



NAEYC. (n.d.). The Common Core State Standards: Caution and Opportunity for Early
Childhood Education.

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