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) Write a wordy sentence and then a revised version that is clear and concise�

(2) What are the steps of Monroe�s motivated sequence. What does each accomplish, why is this an
effective organizational pattern for many types of sales letters and other persuasive efforts�
(3) What are �at five of the many things we must consider when revising written communication to

ensure it is clear, concise and compelling?.

(4) Describe how you might go about your next job search, consider how you will prepare for interview
and what you will look for as you review and revise your employment documents.�
(5) In a communication context, what is meant by shared meaning?.�

(6) What are the components of the communication process? Describe a hypothetical business
communication scenario, explaining how each of the communication components might impact the ability

for all participants to arrive at shared meaning.�
(7) Name three barriers to effective intercultural communications.�
Do all reports include the same basic format and contents? Please explain.�
(9) List five rules that you feel should go in every company�s netiquette rule book.�
(10) What is audience analysis, why is it important in business communication.�

(11) Describe how we can phrase a negative message so that it does not offend the recipient, why do we

want to take your described approach. ��

(12) What are some tools and techniques that might be used in a persuasive effort




Wordy sentence: In view of the prevailing circumstances of hard economic times,
globalization changes; as well as barriers in trade, it is crucial that business leaders such as
managers, chief executive officers as well as directors, take charge of the deliberations of
businesses such that there is high profitability to enable survival of the businesses in the highly
competitive world. Revised version: Business leaders must always ensure proper leadership so
as to achieve profitability of the business.
Monroe’s motivated sequence entails five steps of motivated communication. Although
the presentation may slightly vary with different conditions, the steps are generally applicable in
different situations. The first step is to get attention of the audience. This step entails usage of
attention capturing articles such as storytelling or giving real statistics. This step achieves a great
role of ensuring that the audience listens attentively throughout the presentation, (Barker &
Gower, pp 299). Step two entails establishing the need. This step is crucial because it gives the
presenter the opportunity to describe the situation. In this step, there are efforts to convince the
audience that there is a problem, which need to be solved. However, at this stage, the solution is
not yet presented.


Step three entails satisfying the need. Since the problem has already been identified, the
presenter now deliberates on the viable solution. The presenter suggests the solution to the
prevailing problem. This step is done in such a way that the audience feels that they are part of
the solution. Step four touches on visualizing the future. This step could assume positive or
negative presentation. In positive presentation, the presenter talks of how well the condition is
bound to improve if the audience embraces the proposed solution. On the other hand, the
presenter could portray the vision of how worse the condition is bound to get if the audience
does not embark on the proposed solution. This step is built on the conviction that there is
existence of the problem in the first place. Therefore, one is bound to explore each step fully so
as to ensure success of the subsequent steps. Fifth step is the actualization step. This is whereby,
the presenter gives out what the audience aught o do in order to accomplish the desired results.
The presenter should aim to make the audience feel really responsible in changing the current
situation. The presenter is supposed to be precise on what the audience ought o do to achieve the
desired change.
The motivated sequence is an effective organizational sequence especially in sales letters
and other persuasive efforts because; the audience is approached in a sequential and motivating
manner(Barker & Gower, pp 299), The earlier conviction of the audience concerning the
availability of a certain problem sets them to yearn for a solution. Again, the tactics used such as
rhetorical questions or stories capture the attention of the audience. This way, they are able to
give undivided attention to the presenter throughout the presentation. The efforts to convince the
audience that they are part of the solution sets them to be able to partake in the suggested
Revising written communication


In written communication, it is crucial that the presenter ensures that the message is clear,
concise and compelling. To ensure this, it is paramount to consider various factors. The purpose
of the communication must always be in our minds. The goal of the communication shapes
everything in the communication, (Thomas & Stephens, pp 4). It is therefore; always important
to ensure that whatever is written, is oriented to the purpose of the communication. To ensure
clarity in written communication, it is crucial to consider being brief. On this note, one should
avoid filler words that are not necessary. It is crucial to state only the important words that are
useful for the audience to understand what is intended. Another important factor to consider is
giving of vivid facts. These are necessary in ensuring that the audience gets a picture of what is
intended. When crucial words are omitted, it becomes difficult for the audience to get the core of
the message. Another very crucial factor to consider is the audience level of understanding. This
determines the level of language to be used. If a higher level of language is used to an audience
that is not able to capture it, then, there will be communication breakdown. It is also crucial to
consider the factor of courtesy, honesty and openness. Such factors motivate the audience.
Motivation is a crucial factor in communication, (Thomas & Stephens, pp 8). On this note, the
presenter should avoid words hat touch on insults and dishonesty. The tone of the message
should also denote these factors.
In going about job search, it is crucial to consider the different avenues that are available.
For instance, the internet, different newspapers as well as applying to different offices. In
preparation for the interview, it is crucial to read widely on matters concerned with the job
applied for. This is helpful especially to familiarize oneself with the current developments in the
concerned field. In reviewing the employment documents, it is crucial to ensure that the
application letter is well written such that it is clear, concise and compelling.


Communication context
In communication context, shared meaning denotes the situation whereby, the sender of
information presents the intended information, and the receiver, receives the information in the
intended way. The components of communication process are: the context, sender (encoder),
message, medium, receiver, (decoder) and feedback. In a hypothetical business communication
whereby the manager decides to rebuke a worker over the phone, there are impact to arrive at
shared meaning. The context, that is, the prevailing circumstances of both the manager and the
worker will impact. For instance, if the manager is in anger, there are high chances of failing to
arrive at shared meaning. The condition of the sender, such as hunger will affect ability to arrive
at shared meaning. The message, since it is rebuking message, may make it difficult to arrive at
shared meaning. The medium used, the phone, could be having technical problems such that the
person on the other side may not hear the other well. This way, there will be difficulties arriving
at shared meaning. Condition of the receiver such as a negative attitude to the sender, will impact
on the ability to arrive at shared meaning. The feedback given such as excuse as to why a certain
offence was committed may not be in line with arriving at shared meaning.
Some barriers to intercultural communications include:- negative ethno-centricism,
intercultural communication apprehension as well as anxiety that emanates from language
barrier. Not all reports include the same basic format and content. This is due to the different
contexts of the reports and the people involved (Thomas & Stephens, pp 9). In companies, it is
crucial to understand that different contexts call for understanding of the presenter. For instance,
the senders and receivers are different. The message and the context are different too. Therefore,
it is difficult for reports to have similar basic format and content.


Rules that should be in company’s etiquette book:
Ensure that you give information concerning inability to attend a function in good time.
Avoid texting as way of saying that you are making efforts not to arrive late at work
Do not shout while using our mobile phone
Observe courtesy by greeting others
When it calls for queuing, just queue.
Audience analysis denotes the deliberations of a presenter to know as many details of the
audience as possible. This is important in business communication because it ensures that there
is achievement of shared meaning. This is because; the audience will find the message relevant
to their needs and level. A message that is negative could be phrased by first acknowledging the
positive points of the receiver and then making it clear that the information is not tied to other
things outside the mentioned point. This approach is important because it makes the receiver feel
that the presenter is appreciating them in the first place therefore, the negative information is
meant for rectification and not tied to other factors. In persuasive efforts, some tools and
techniques that could be used include emotion and influencing. In emotion, the presenter must
appeal to the emotions of the receiver. This way, they will be persuaded. Bargaining is a tool that
denotes efforts to convince the other person of the position you are taking. This is a crucial tool
when it comes to persuasion and must therefore be always used.




Thomas, G. F., & Stephens, K. J. (2015). An Introduction to Strategic Communication. Journal
of Business Communication, 52(1), 3-11.
ORGANIZATIONS: Toward Effective Communication in a Diverse World. Journal Of
Business Communication, 47(3), 295-312.

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