What do you see as a major problem in constructing a competency framework? Do you find these
frameworks used regularly in your industry or culture?
Note: My industry is aviation.
Note: My culture is Arab culture.
Competency Frameworks in the Arabian aviation industry
A competency framework is a structure that entails setting and defining each competency
required by individuals executing their responsibilities while working in a firm. These
competencies range from problem-solving capabilities as well people management skills. Most
industries in the Arab culture have distinct competency frameworks to enable them place
themselves at a significant point in the realization of the set objectives. Alzeban (2015, p.58)
argues that a competency framework is indispensable in assisting an organization to have
effective management and efficient decision -making process in respect to promotions, hiring,
and selection (Elragig & Townley 2012, p.132). The aviation industry in the Arabian countries,
to be exact, has a distinct competency framework towards its employees. However, the process
of formulating a competency framework in those states becomes a problem to the formulators.
Therefore, the following discussion indulges in discussing major problem addressing the major
problem experienced when producing competency framework in the Arab culture. In addition,
the paper looks into whether the formulated structures are regularly used in the aviation industry
in the Arabian countries.
The Arabian aviation industry faces problems when formulating competency
frameworks. The competency model in the Arabian aviation industry comprises of management
skills, occupation-particular prerequisites, industry-wide technical competencies, and industry-
sector technical requirements. In addition, the Arabian aviation industry also demands
competencies that comprise of workplace competencies such as teamwork, planning and
organizing, business fundamentals, and working with tools and technology (Elragig & Townley
2012, p.134). Furthermore, the industry requires academic qualifications ranging from science,
engineering, basic computer skills, mathematics, reading, and writing. The above competencies
are not limited to personal effectiveness competencies comprising reliability, initiative,
professionalism, and interpersonal skills. However, formulating a competency framework with
the stated competencies above is addressed with issues. One of the critical problems in
constructing competency framework in the Arabian aviation industry is to illustrate a perfect set
of behaviors and traits for any particular role. Li, Weiss, Mueller, Townley & Belmont (2012, p.
394) argues that one of the distinctive values of the Arabian culture is teamwork. Therefore, the
individual role is not emphasized in this particular society than group work. This situation poses
a problem when formulating a competency framework since the Arabian aviation industry uses a
pre-list of common standard competencies. This condition makes it hard for the industry to
customize the competencies to individual roles in the place work.
The unclear customization of group roles to individual functions makes the Arabian
aviation industry static. This obscures the respective industry towards future expectations. This
major problem also causes an obstructed identification of a range of competencies (Li, Weiss,
Mueller, Townley & Belmont 2012, p.398). Furthermore, the Arabian industry being static
implies that it provides greater insight into current behaviors that are rewarded by the
management rather than focusing on what effective performance should look like in the future.
The social context of the Arab culture incomprehensibly influences the construction of
competency framework. Individual performance in the Arabian aviation industry is gauged
against social context (Townley & Ezard 2013, p. 1237). For instance, teamwork association
defines an individual productivity. The more the group performs, the more individual is said to
become more productive. Thus, it can be said that constructing a competency framework in the
Arabian aviation industry will continue experiencing problems because of its overreliance on the
societal factors (Alzeban 2015, p. 59). The competency framework in the Arabian aviation
industry can only improve if the industry stops over relying on societal factors when formulating
competencies frameworks. Once the industry deviates from over relying on social contexts, it
will be able to focus on the workforce’s qualities.
The competency frameworks are regularly used in the aviation industry and Arab culture.
When the focus is placed on the airline sector, the competency framework is used mostly during
selection, hiring, and promotion (Elragig & Townley 2012, p. 138). When the industry is
interviewing applicants to fill positions in the Aviation industry, most of the competencies tested
are mostly social ones. Once a candidate demonstrates the tested societal competencies, the
candidates are hired and assigned the respective job that meets his or her specifications. The
industry’s environment approves teamwork than individual work (Rebarber, Tenhumberg &
Townley 2012, p. 82). Thus, even after employment, an employee’s performance is measured
against how the respective employee relates with his or her colleagues. For instance, the industry
gives members of a group mandate to investigate the competencies of one of them about
executing roles. Hence, competence framework is used in the Arabian aviation industry to
evaluate how the staff is situating their skills towards the development of the industry (Li, Weiss,
Mueller, Townley & Belmont 2012, p. 401). In the Arabian culture, competence framework
emphasizes the importance of work experience towards industry’s progression. In this culture,
the age of person does not matter: what matters are the competencies of the individual employee
and his or her competence experience.
Constructing competency framework entails addressing many challenging issues. In the
Arabian aviation industry, the cultural society is pertinent in formulating competency
frameworks. The issue of age does not make sense in the Arabian industry than in the American
aviation industry where competencies are attributed to advanced years.
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