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Promote Access and Success for All Students

Response to Posts

For the two post, the writer will read them and them give a constructive criticism and feedback on each of
the post. For each of the article the writer will use a pear review article to support his comments. The
comments should be very constructive and directly link to the articles, underlining or highlighting the
points made in the articles. The writer should also briefly respond to any questions pose at the end of

each of the articles.

For the two post, the writer will read them and them give a constructive criticism and feedback on each of
the post. For each of the article the writer will use a pear review article to support his comments. The
comments should be very constructive and directly link to the articles, underlining or highlighting the


points made in the articles. The writer should also briefly respond to any questions pose at the end of

each of the articles.

Response to Posts

Response to Post 1
Great post! Surveys and experiments are common elements of quantitative designs.
Usually, quantitative studies facilitate the achievement of objectivity, generalizability,
replicability, and so the predictability of research findings (Harwell, 2011, Pg. 149). The
methods also bear assumptions of there being a particular philosophical truth regardless of the
perspectives that people take on issues (Harwell, 2011, Pg. 149). Designs play a crucial role in
facilitating research, and the experimental nature of some quantitative studies facilitates the
establishment of truths.
The execution of the ACA could be a hard task for managerial stakeholders. It would be
vital that managers understand the methodologies of application that would see to the realization
of profits while still satisfying the requirements of the Act. Profitability is hard to achieve with
the policy given that it focuses on the affordability of services. The Congress might succeed in
repealing the Act given that the Republicans have persistently suggested the repeal (Jost, 2015).
ACA hurts big businesses, and managers have little to overcome the offset it creates.
Response to Post 2
A great post! Establishing the purpose of research studies is crucial to understanding their
implications. In most cases, quantitative studies would lead to the determination of figures that


present in study topics. Such explorations would then allow the identification of factors resulting
from study parameters on the basis of the effect they bear.
Higher education has been an essential tool in promoting leadership (Flores, 2014). The
institutions should help in overcoming barriers such as skin color and demographics that present
in the American Society. I think that the African American student research sample does not give
a representation of leadership as it presents in America. The instructional design that colleges
adopt in their progress is one of the elements determining leadership development among
students (Shaw, 2012).




Flores, A.(2014, September 9). How Public Universities Can Promote Access and Success for
All Students. Center for American Progress.

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