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Driving under the influence

Write a one to two (1-2) page paper in which you:

  1. Explain the reason for selecting topic one (1), identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesis


  1. Explain the reason for selecting topic two (2), identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesis


  1. Explain the reason for selecting topic three (3), identify the audience, and provide a preliminary thesis


  1. Identify and document six (6) credible sources (two (2) for each topic) that you would expect to use.

Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Research Topics with Explanation

The Change of the Laws Regarding DUI (driving under the influence)
The primary problem with the DUI laws the prohibits drinking while intoxicated is that
these legislations do not allow the arrest of drivers whose blood-alcohol contents are below 0.08
percent without further shreds of evidence on impairment (Macinko, & Silver, 2015). It is,

therefore, essential to note that drivers have adopted an approach in considering the number of
drinks they take to avoid penalties and jail sentence.
According to one state officer, people who are intoxicated at 0, 05 percent should also be
convicted for driving under the influence of alcohol, a fact that should be debated in a court of
law with the aim of changing these laws (Macinko, & Silver, 2015). It is essential to determine
the fact that these laws should be changed since people react to alcohol intoxication differently.
For some people, just a single drink may be one too many while the experienced drinkers may
function effectively even above the legal threshold of intoxication.
Changing the laws on DUI would, therefore, favor an enforced law that deters drivers
from intoxication during driving, a factor that has been the leading cause of reckless driving and
accidents (McGuire, Dawe, Shield, Rehm, & Fischer, 2011). In line with this, it is, therefore,
essential to developing a punishable act that focuses on road rules since singling out the use of
alcohol for road users is an approach aimed at making the roads safer.
The Increase of Taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco to Pay for Rising Medical Bills
In line with this subject, it is essential to determine that taxes on alcohol and tobacco
should be increased with the aim of counteracting the rising costs that have been realized in the
health care sector. Since it has been discovered that both of this commodities add pressure to the
economy of a nation, their lucrative sales should, therefore, see an increase in their prices
(Metlay, 2013). In the event that alcohol and tobacco are charged slightly more, this would not
only benefit the health sector under the assumption that funds would be channeled through this
cause but would also deter people from using this substance, a factor that would lead to a healthy

It is empirical to determine that high taxes on alcohol would decrease the DUI/DWI
including the number of alcoholics in rehabilitation centers in the US. On the other hand, an
increase in taxes on tobacco would decrease the rates of lung cancer contractions including the
negative effects of this drug (Gruber, 2001). Funds derived from this initiative would, therefore,
lower the health care costs for several citizens, a factor that would impact the health care systems
of America.

The Change in Family and Medical Leave Act

The former President Bill Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act twenty years
ago. This act allows workers and their family’s access a 12-week unpaid job-protected leave to
aid them in recovering from medical conditions that are considered critical (Lindsay, & Moore,
2011). This legislation, therefore, remains essential in helping workers manage their
responsibilities within their homes and workplaces.
In as much as this act is significant in the lives of the American employees, it has been
determined as ineffective since it fails to cover the needs of most workers. Since this act is
unpaid, many workers have complained about failing to afford to take leaves when they need due
to financial reasons (Sandler, 2015). In this case, several workers abscond from taking this leave
and work for close to 1350 hours in a period of twelve months, a factor that affects their job
performance. It is, therefore, vital that a change be made in this bill to consider the welfare of the
workers and their families.



Macinko, J., & Silver, D. (2015). Diffusion of Impaired Driving Laws among US States.
American Journal of Public Health, 105(9), 1893-1900.

McGuire, F., Dawe, M., Shield, K. D., Rehm, J., & Fischer, B. (2011). Driving under the
Influence of Cannabis or Alcohol in a Cohort of High-frequency Cannabis Users:
Prevalence and Reflections on Current Interventions. Canadian Journal of Criminology &
Criminal Justice, 53(2), 247-259.
Metlay, G. (2013). Federalizing Medical Campaigns against Alcoholism and Drug Abuse.
Milbank Quarterly, 91(1), 123-162.

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