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Admission letter seeking to upgrade grades

Admission letter seeking to upgrade grades

I am writing this letter seeking to gain admittance to the Physical Therapy program
that commences in the Summer of 2016. In my Fall semester at California State University
Dominguez Hill, I took six classes which are Bio 386, HIS 101, KIN 301, KIN 360, KIN 464,
and SBS 318. The unofficial transcript is attached with this letter. I also took one class at Los
Angeles City College (LACC) which is General Chem II. The transcript of this class is also
attached herein. At the moment, I am taking Hum 310 in Winter semester in California State
University Dominguez Hill which I expect to complete on January 22, 2016. I will then
update the grade as soon as it released and posted.
Before getting the Summer 2016 admission to the Physical Therapy class at LLU, I
recently found out during the Fall semester that a student is now required to first take General
Physics sequence. I have not taken the General Physics sequence in this or the previous
semesters. This is because I made a mistake and did not remember to confirm all the relevant
information pertaining to admission to the Physical Therapy class at LLU starting Summer of

  1. I thought it was the same as last year 2014 when I look at Transfer Patterns category
    under Entry-Level Doctor category in Physical Therapy section on LLU website. As such, I
    did not realize the fact that one of the conditions for taking Physical Therapy program at LLU
    is to first take the General Physics sequence, and this is why I did not take the General
    Physics sequence class in the first place during this or the previous semesters.

However, soon after realizing that taking the General Physics sequence is a must for
pursuing the Physical Therapy program at LLU, I immediately registered for General Physics
sequence and I am scheduled to take them at California State University Dominguez Hill
during Spring 2016. Even though satisfying all the prerequisites of the Physical Therapy
program just before the program commences in Summer 2016 may not present a really good
impression, it is actually far better than failing to meet the requirements at all. I will ensure
that I do my very best to obtain good and satisfactory results. In addition, I will soon update
that after getting an experience working at Glendale Memorial hospital, an in-patient hospital,
where I work as a volunteer. I always have a great experience everyday working in this
physical therapy clinic.
I really want to pursue the Physical Therapy program offered at LLU as the
knowledge which I would obtain throughout this program would enable me to effectively
help many patients and clients in terms of carrying out proper physical exercises to improve
their health and sustain good health. For instance, I may utilize the knowledge obtained from
this program to educate patients on the importance of exercises. Furthermore, as a result of
pursuing Physical Therapy program at LLU starting Summer of 2016, I will know how to
modify an exercise depending on the client’s body condition in order to relieve patient
symptoms and reduce pain. On the whole, seeing patients feeling better and recovering as a
result of the physical therapy and exercises which I offer them gives me much pleasure at the
workplace. I strongly believe that Loma Linda will make me a better and stronger person not
just physically and emotionally, but also spiritually. Engaging in physical exercises and
training is very important. The scriptures state that “while bodily training is of some value,
godliness is of value in every way” (1 Timothy 4:8) (New International Version, 2014). I will
do my best to meet all the requirements particularly the physical therapy sequence before the
Physical Therapy program starts.


New International Version. (2014). 1 Timothy 4: 8. Bible Hub.

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