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Licensure Application Comparison

Licensure Institution:
Application Comparison

Each state has different licensure requirements for different professions. Download two licensure
applications and regulations for your state. The first is to apply for licensure as a professional counselor;
the second application is for another discipline in the health care field. Examine the applications and
regulations to determine similarities and differences. Write a 125-250-word comparison summary
explaining the major differences between the two disciplines. You are not required to upload or attach the

regulations as part of the assignment.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected


Licensure Application Comparison

The information contained herein is an in-depth analysis of the contrasting applications
and regulations regarding licensure requirements for a professional counselor and a qualified
dentist in the state of Pennsylvania, USA. The contents give a description of the two fields in
medicine including the characteristics of each field while exhibiting the contrasts in both
To begin with, for a Professional Counselor, you will require a qualifying master’s
degree whereas for dentistry will only require a bachelor’s degree. Secondly, while a
professional counselor’s degree will require at least 60 semester hours of coursework, a
dentistry degree will on require at least 30 hours. Additionally, in the counseling profession,
psychology is closely associated with this field while dentistry does not assume psychological
In case the degree acquired is deemed to be qualified during practice, one can accrue
licensure after a period of three years or 3600 clinical days (Morgen, K., et al. 2012). In
contrast, licensure for dentistry profession is eligible upon passing the National Board Dental
Hygiene Examination by one of the dental examination boards and approved after five years
after the release of the results. This is only conducted if the board certifies the practitioner has
been engaged in postgraduate training on in dentistry practice or any other jurisdiction



Morgen, K., Miller, G., & Stretch, L. S. (2012). Addiction counseling licensure issues for
licensed professional counselors. The Professional Counselor: Research and Practice,

2(1), 58-65.

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