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Comments and constructive Criticism

Comments and constructive Criticism


Article 1
The author of the article has duly defined the factors that favor incompetence that
occurs in the care of patients with diabetes type 2. The article’s primary focus is the provision
of care to patients with diabetes type 2, which has been shown to be a task that is faced with
more challenges than not. For instance, the article has well described the attitude towards the
care African American men get for the condition. The fact that the medicines offered affect the

masculinity of some of the patients has led to the patients deciding not to undertake such
medication (Hooker et al., 2012). The fact is the drugs affects one’s self-esteem. However, the
author has achieved a sense of making the patients rethink their previous decisions. This sense
can or could be delivered in a perfect way through a patient education in spite of the stressed
workforce that offer health care. Thus, the evidence illustrated by the author has justified the
key point of the article in their appending nature.
Article 2
The article talks about vaccination. The need for it and the importance of it. The author
has succeeded in showing the impending need for the education of generations to come. After
all one cannot see the need for a vaccine unless there is worry of contraction of the disease after
a major outbreak. However, as mentioned by the author, it is possible that the process of
vaccination of rather the practice of it saves lives apart from being cost effective. The cost-
effectiveness comes in the concerning the hospital bills incurred for treating a disease that
would rather have been prevented by a vaccine. Other than that, the particular instances that
cause parents to refuse vaccination for their children are rather alarming (Healy et al., 2014).
Due to these facts mentioned in the article. The author has achieved a given significance in
educating people on the importance of getting vaccinated and all about the different vaccines
that exist.
Article 3
Education makes people aware of terms and information that would rather have been
oblivious to them. In such sense, it is essential to monitor a given education program by
evaluating the effectiveness of the system used to implement such informative programs. For

one to know what he or she is teaching has an audience that is attentive, and keen ton is
learning the details of what is being taught. You have to give tests. Simple tests are suitable for
such awareness programs. The tests only need to capture the factual information and the
context in which the one being examined understood the subject. Such tests would be the
probable effectiveness measuring tool. However, in any education program, feedback is critical
(Tones et al., 2013). Not alone important but also significant. If the students don’t come back
with feedback. Either in the form of seeking clarification, mere curiosity or fact-seeking
questions. The system of delivering the program would not have been effective at all.
Therefore, any feedback should be appreciated as it shows concern and interest in the subject
being taught.


Healy, C. M., Montesinos, D. P., & Middleman, A. B. (2014). Parent and provider perspectives
on immunization: are providers overestimating parental concerns?. Vaccine, 32(5), 579-


Hooker, S. P., Wilcox, S., Burroughs, E. L., Rheaume, C. E., & Courtenay, W. (2012). The
potential influence of masculine identity on health-improving behavior in midlife and
older African American men. Journal of men’s health, 9(2), 79-88.

Kim, J., Kwon, Y., & Cho, D. (2011). Investigating factors that influence social presence and
learning outcomes in distance higher education. Computers & Education, 57(2), 1512-

Sherman, L. D., McKyer, E. L. J., Singer, J. N., Larke, A., & Guidry, J. J. (2014).
Understanding the essence and lived experience of self-care management among
African-American men living with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Social Health and
Diabetes, 2(2), 96.

Tones, K., Robinson, Y. K., & Tilford, S. (2013). Health education: effectiveness and
efficiency. Springer.

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