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Business Communication

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research on the basics of interoffice memos.
Based on your readings and understanding, create a 2- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that


� An explanation on the effectiveness of the memo with respect to its tone.

� An analysis on the potential barriers to the successful communication of its intended message.

� A revised memo with improved structure using polite and firm tone consistently.


Interoffice Memo

In the context of office communication, greater emphasis is placed on communication
that is not only effective, but whose tone and content is considerate of other peoples’ feelings.
Communication presents a platform where not only words are considered, but also the intentions
and emotions behind the message or information. The tone of the message presents an important
aspect of the message. It is imperative that barriers that may affect the communication’s ability
to portray the correct message are avoided. In the case of an interoffice memo, all of the
qualities mentioned therein above should be adhered to.
Tone and memo efficiency
The memo by Ms Sindaha is an example of unprofessional communication that is not fit
for business communication. The tone used portrays someone who is bitter or one who looks
down upon her juniors. A reader receiving such a memo can feel the high level of intimidation in
which Ms Sindaha writes the memo. When the tone is bitter, there is an aspect of emotions
involved which will affect the receivers of the memo. According to Hamilton (2013), office
communication must show consideration for others and targeted people should not feel
threatened or intimidated by such communication. This can be demonstrated in the last paragraph
where she threatens to develop a schedule if the employees do not act. The sender should use a
polite tone and desist from ‘shouting’ and issuing orders and threats. In the event that this occurs,
the communication efficiency is likely to be affected as attitudes become imminent in response
to the use poor tone.

Starting the subject with an exclamation mark presents a poor approach by the operations
manager. The subject of the memo begins with discourteous tone ‘Cleanup!’ which to a great
extent affects its effectiveness. Secondly, the memo has an informal tone which can be
considered as negative (Hamilton, 2013). The closing remarks are not positive and include
threats and the body of the memo is a long series of complaints and feels like a ‘rant’. The
informality of the tone coupled with the negative mood created renders the message of the memo
ineffective. The lack of positivity will not motivate employees to perform their best in solving
the problem. For this reason, the communication can as well as be considered as ineffective.
Furthermore, the memo fails to go straight to the point instead of a long explanation of the
problem (Guffey, & Loewy, 2012).
Potential barriers to successful communication of memo’s intended message
The memo sent by Ms Sindaha presents various factors that hinder successful exchanges
in the office. The message is likely to face a wall of unwanted emotions. As noted earlier, the
message needs to be composed with consideration to the feelings of the receivers. For example,
in the last paragraph, the manager uses a threat as opposed to using a polite conclusion to
encourage receivers to act the memo. The informality of the memo is a barrier to successful
communication. Although the message will be received, it will not have the intended impact
(Guffey, & Loewy, 2012).
Ms Sindaha does not pay attention to grammar, sentence structure, and punctuations
which make it difficult to read the memo. She also mixes up ideas and this ends up confusing the
reader or making them lose interest. According to Hamilton (2013), for office communication to
be effective in delivering the intended message, it must be well structured and free of

grammatical mistakes. In the second paragraph, Ms Sindaha says that everyone must clean up
himself. While this was aimed at portraying that everyone should clean after himself, it tends to
say that people should clean themselves. Such mistakes jeopardize the effectiveness of internal
communication. The discourteous tone or rather the bitter tone used is a major threat to
communication effectiveness.
Revised memo with improved structure
From: Albertina Sindaha, Operations Manager
To: All Employees
Subject: Office Clean up
As you all know, the custodial budget has reduced sigificantly and the company is no
longer capable of providing cleaning services. This means that everyone is now responsible for
maintaining cleanliness within the organization. This is to inform and remind all the employees
on the expected clean-up of the offices and work areas. Areas of significant concern include the
printer area, the lunch room, counters, refrigerator, sinks, and the coffee machine area.
I would like to request everyone to cooperate to ensure that the company environment
remains as clean as it was when cleaning services were available. Let us all adhere to
maintaining cleanliness to the areas outside the offices. Due to the inconveniences caused, a
cleaning schedule may need to be developed and supplied to every employee in the departments.

I look forward to a clean office environment through your continued cooperation.


Guffey, M. E., & Loewy, D. (2012). Essentials of business communication. Boston: Cengage
Hamilton, C. (2013). Communicating for results: A guide for business and the professions.
Boston: Cengage Learning.
White, C. et al (2010). Internal communication, information satisfaction, and sense of
community: The effect of personal influence. Journal of Public Relations Research,
22(1), 65-84.

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