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Improving employee engagement within organisations in Qatar

.Consider your journey through the programme so far and the topic-problem areas you have

encountered during your study and/or from your professional practice.

.Describe the research topic-problem you might be interested in researching, and describe the

reasons why.

What would be your interest in conducting a study on this topic?

Has this topic been discussed in the academic literature? Identify at least two research papers that

motivated your thoughts

IMPORTANT NOTE: the topic that I chosen:

Interpretivist Research

Aim:To identify and explore the human resource strategies that influence employee engagement
within organisations in Qatar and to develop recommendations on how these human resource

strategies can be changed in order to improve employee engagement.

End Product:Objective: To develop recommendations on how human resource strategies can be
changed in order to improve employee engagement within organisations in Qatar.

Interpretive research centers on explaining analytically meaning-making practises and
how the practices configure uniquely so as to generate particular observable outcomes. My
choice of this research topic was influenced by my objective and the type of analysis that I
wanted to carry out. I wanted to learn certain traits that are related to people. And since
interpretive methods which are used in interpretive research always assign meanings to
certain human practices in relation to certain scientific explanation, interpretive research
formed the best option that I could adopt in order to attain meaningful data from the kind of
research I wanted to undertake
To identify and explore the human resource strategies that influence employee
engagement within organisations in Qatar and to develop recommendations on how these
human resource strategies can be changed in order to improve employee engagement.
The reason for the interest on the topic.
There is high mobility regarding employees in Qatar job markets. The case is worse
regarding foreign employees who are showing high turnover rates across all industries in the
Qatar job market. Therefore, I wanted to know what attracts employees in the Qatar job

Interpretivist Research 3

market and why most of them vacate their employment position after a short period.
Moreover, does the signing of performance contracting affect foreign employees in the nation
or not. Lastly, I want to understand how the development of the local labour force in Qatar
would affect the employee engagements within the nation’s job market.
Research questions
In carrying out my research, I would base my arguments on these topics.
 Which human resource strategies influence employee engagement within
organisations in Qatar?
 How do these human resource strategies influence employee engagement within
organisations in Qatar?
 How can these human resource strategies be changed in order to improve employee
engagement within organisations in Qatar?
Previous studies.
There are studies that have previously been conducted on the research topic regarding
human resource strategies that influence employee engagement within organisations in Qatar.
However, there has been some unexhausted information by the researches that this study will
cater for. The studies previously carried out include;
Forstenlechner, I., & Rutledge, E. (2010). UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE GULF: TIME TO
UPDATE THE “SOCIAL CONTRACT.” Middle East Policy, 17(2), 38-51. Retrieved
from http://search.proquest.com/docview/848601841?accountid=45049
This research stresses on the need to overhaul the educational system of most Qatar
learning centres so as to focus on a new regime that imparts employable skills in the learners.

Interpretivist Research 4

As per their arguments, depending on foreign employees who lack commitment will continue
to raise the average employee’s turnover rates and hurt the profitability of institutions in the
Qatar. Moreover, they argue that new policies should be formed with the aim of facilitating
diversification in economic activities so as to generate new jobs for the inhabitants. The
challenge is a lack of commitment from foreign employees working in Qatar and other
Middle East nations.
Swales, S., LG, A. S., & Fahd, S. A. (2012). Localisation policy in Oman: A subjective
contracting interpretation. The International Journal of Public Sector Management,
25(5), 357-372. Doe
Swales et.al (2012) looks at the solution to the decreasing employee engagement rate
in the Qatar as being the implementation of localisation policies. This is because the current
conditions in the Qatar and the whole of Gulf States can be efficiently solved by enacting and
adhering to strong domestic policies. According to his journal, most employees who lack
management in their jobs in Qatar are foreigners. Therefore, the author of this research work
believes that local employees will be a better option as they will be able to commit
themselves in their jobs.

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