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Developing Equity in the Classroom

Developing Equity in the Classroom

Write a 2-3 substantial paragraphs that answer the following:
� Why is it important to develop equity in your classroom?
� How will this perspective affect what you teach? How will you teach it?

The only reference should be:

� Peters, W. & Cobb, C. (Writers), & Peters, W. (Director). (1985). A class divided. [Television series
episode]. In J. McFadden [Producer], Frontline. Boston, MA: Public Broadcasting Service.


Developing Equity in the Classroom

It is important to develop equity in the classroom because it helps students to view one
another as equal and to learn the importance of treating others in a manner that they would wish
to be treated. Developing equity in the classroom is a magnificent way of creating a uniform
playing field for all students. Like the teacher in Lowa tells her students, people are equally
important regardless of their race, age, and academic potentials. In this regard, developing equity
in the classroom helps students to understand that each one of them has equal learning
opportunities and room for improvement irrespective of their race and physical appearance
(Peters and Cobb, 1985).
Developing equity in the classroom has an effect on the taught concept in the sense that,
the teacher must focus on topics and select instructional strategies that will help learners to
understand the importance of treating one another equally. When teaching equity in the
classroom, the instructor should begin by explaining to students what it means to discriminate
against others. The teacher should use real life examples to help students learn about
discrimination and how it affects them. This should be followed by creating equal opportunities
to all learners of all cultures, learning needs, and capabilities. The instructor can choose to create
two different scenarios within the classroom that will enable students to gain insights on what
discrimination means like the teacher in Lowa has done. The teacher should conclude by giving
explanations that are aimed at assisting students to gain awareness, and that are intended to

inform learners about the best practices that they must observe in their daily lives to avoid
discriminating against one another (Peters and Cobb, 1985).


Peters, W.& Cobb, C. (Writers), & Peters, W. (Director). (1985). A class divided. (Television
series episode). In J. McFadden (Producer), Frontline. Boston, MA: Public Broadcasting

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