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Key to Success

Key to Success

Based on chapters 10-12 in your course text (Reville, 2015; Sichel & Bacon, 2015; Berg, 2015), reflect on
the procedures, protocols, and recommendations made by the school and/or school district.
What stood out to you as the key to the success shown?
How could these same actions positively impact your school and/or district?
If you are currently not working in a school, reflect on how you think your neighborhood school/district
could be impacted.
Repeat this process for each school/school district that was the focus of the chapters.

The key to success was the decision to shift the culture from good to great. This change
in culture encouraged the students to believe in themselves and their abilities. This is seen in
more students registering in the honors class. This I aptly captured in the remarks by Blankstein,
Noguera & Kelly “What better way to market your successes than through the students
themselves!” (pp. 218, 2016).The change of culture started with the stakeholders who were able
to impact the same into the students. This became the new norm in the learning process and is
thus the key to success.
The same actions can impact my school positively by providing a learning environment
that is equitable within a culture that emphasizes shifting from good to great. Inclusivity of all
stakeholders in the learning activities will give equity and ownership of the process to the school
administration. The equitable approach to learning coupled with the change in culture will lead
to the minority ethnic groups and students with special needs catching up with rest of the
students (Blankstein, Noguera & Kelly, 2016). This equity in the school will result in positive
change in student performance in their grades.
The neighborhood school can be impacted by the increased participation by students
from all ethnicities in the honors program as well as college preparatory classes (Winders, 2013).
Another positive influence will be the increase in mathematical competency in elementary
schools within the district to levels that are accepted on national weighted averages. This would
be by empowering mathematics teachers to be better teachers to ensure that no child is left

behind. The projected positive impact of more students enrolling for honors programs will result
in more admissions into colleges and universities.



Blankstein, A., M, Noguera, P., & Kelly, L. (2016). Excellence Through Equity: Five Principles
of Courageous Leadership to Guide Achievement for Every Student. ASCD.
Winders, J. (2013). Diversity at the Door: Understanding Demographic Change in the
Classroom. In Nashville in the New Millennium: Immigrant Settlement, Urban
Transformation, and Social Belonging (pp. 76-106). Russell Sage Foundation.

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