Developing Computational Fluency – Week 3
Using Sousa�s (2015) premises in chapter 5:
- Explain why teachers need to focus on developing computational fluency.
- Describe a strategy that facilitates this important aspect of numeracy.
To illustrate your points, you may use your own experience with Rapid Math Tricks and Tips from week 2
(see attached) or the video Conrad Wolfram: Teaching Kids Real Math with Computers (TED
Conferences, 2010). Include any additional research you have done.
Developing Computational Fluency – Week 3
The need to focus on developing computational fluency.
While most learners focus on the procedural methods of solving a given problem, such a
strategy is short lived in its purpose. This self-defeating approach only serves to confuse learners
even more, especially once they encounter mathematical problems that require reasoning. Other
problems that require a shift in operations due to a change in the presentation of the problem, or
a shift in instructions are potentially problematic for such a student to handle (Sousa, 2015, pp.
112 – 113 ) . To avoid such, the teachers should focus on developing the computational fluency of
the learners as opposed to memorization of the process of solving a given mathematical problem
at hand.
Strategies that facilitate the development of computational fluency
A strategy that is applicable in the development of computational frequency for children
is the inclusion of technology in the teaching process. However, taking advantage of technology
in the learning process should only encompass the novel application of the same. This is because
the use of technology for non-routine application enhances complex problem solving skills in the
learner while using the same for a routine task does not (Wolfram, 2010; Sousa, 2015, p. 125) .
The implementation of technology in the learning process, therefore, is instrumental to
deepening the students’ ability understand the problem at hand and apply mathematical
reasoning (Sousa, 2015, pp. 112, 125 ) . A constant and consistent repetition of this process
ensures that the students develop adequate computational fluency.
Sousa, D. A. (2015). How the brain learns mathematics. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin
Wolfram, C. (2010, July). Teaching kids real math with computers.