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Primary goals of the evaluation.

Explain the three (3) primary goals of the evaluation.

  1. Analyze three (3) major cultural or political issues that might be encountered and explain how they

might be overcome effectively.

  1. Describe and provide your rationale with research support for the design and sampling technique,

assessment methods, and timeline.

  1. Provide a worksheet that specifies how the evaluation will be conducted, identifying the questions,
    tasks, time frame, personnel, other resources, and costs. ( Put in a table format.)
  2. Provide a timeline for the evaluation on the worksheet, identifying milestones where reporting of
    results would be expected to take place. (Put in a table format in the worksheet.)
  3. Analyze the expected costs and provide a cost-benefit analysis with ways to cuts costs.
  4. Use at least three (4) peer-reviewed academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and
    many Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Peer-reviewed academic resources refer to
    articles and scholarly journals that are reviewed by a panel of experts or peers in the field.
  5. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Word Count: 1,145


Organizations have, over the years, significantly appreciated the role of monitoring and
evaluation in ensuring that their internal and external systems improve their efficiencies,
effectiveness and that various corrective measures are implemented. Evaluation is an
organization’s self-reflective way of seeking ways to adjust to achieve the company goals and

Definition of Evaluation

School Evaluation Plan 3
Evaluation is the process of determining a program’s worth and significance employing the
systematic approach of measuring goals, effectiveness, efficiency, and results of the program
to implement changes to ensure the success of respective programs. (Berriet-Solliec et al.,
2014). There are three main types of evaluation namely Front-end evaluation, Process
Evaluation (also known as formative evaluation) and Summative evaluation. Front-end
evaluation is the process of obtaining and synthesizing information on participants’ needs,
knowledge, interests, and motivations. The aim is to facilitate development and modifications
of goals and expected results of the program or project. Process evaluation is the type of
evaluation that seeks to establish how an individual or the program is moving towards
achieving the desired goal(s). (Rondinelli, 1976).

It also ensures that there is feedback on the progress of the program. The data collected
during this process is used for decision-making on improving the program or project. This
evaluation seeks to ensure the effectiveness and success of the processes of the program or
project. This type of evaluation also ensures that the project is feasible, acceptable and
appropriate for the intended goals but it is implemented. Summative evaluation is the process
of establishing whether the processes used have been able to achieve the set pre-established
goal(s). This form of evaluations determines if the program has achieved its intended goals
and outcomes and whether the personnel achieved their roles in meeting the set goals.
(Rondinelli, 1976).

Goals of Evaluation

Evaluation is a critical process in ensuring the success of programs. Why is evaluation so
significant? Several studies have stated many reasons why evaluation, which include the
establishment of effectiveness and efficiency of a program, cost saving, improvement of

School Evaluation Plan 4
performance, institute corrective measures of a program, appropriate use of resources as well
as ensuring quality. (Hopkins et al., 2016). However, the main goals of evaluation are as

  1. To establish and assess the effects of programs
  2. To improve the desired goal(s) or outcome of various programs
  3. To establish and measure effectiveness and efficiency of programs or systems
    of an organizations

Rationale for the Design and Sampling Technique,
Assessment Methods, and Timeline

The design is simple, easy to use, adaptable, clear and cost-efficient. The sampling Technique
is a cross-sectional approach that gathers data from one school in a zone. The assessment
methods seek to establish and achieve the desired outcome of effectiveness, efficiency as well
as productivity of the program. The timeline chosen is sufficient to conduct program
evaluation to capture the results.

Cultural and Political Factors that affect Evaluation

According to Nguyen et al., (2015).), cultural influences can significantly determine
the success and failure of a program or project management. Culture can affect various
aspects of the program such as goal alignment, commitment, and trust levels as well as
worker orientation. Cultural influences include the diversity of personnel’s background as
well as different behavior and group’s program expectation. Cultural diversity can be a source
of human conflict resulting from communication challenges. These cultural problems can
significantly impact on the success or failure of the project or program. Cultural influences
should, therefore, be treated as very vital consideration in program management as the same
should be used in managing conflicts, encouraging innovation. There are various

School Evaluation Plan 5
organizational culture aspects such as interrelationships; authority, business culture can also
affect the program outcomes.

School Evaluation Program

No. Task Time

Frame Personnel Required Resources
(US $)
Timeline for
Evaluation Evaluation Milestones

1 Teacher
Officers and

Assessment report,
notebooks, Balance
scorecard, laptops,
Wi-Fi & Pens


3 Months of
assessment and

Improvement in
Students’ performance

2 Student
& Evaluation

Periodic Examination
Reports, Laptops &


3 Months of
assessment and

Improvement in
Students’ performance,
good reputation


Officer and

Human Resource
Employment Records,
Education Department


3 Months of
assessment and

25% cost savings,
credibility, good


& Evaluation

Students Register,
Performance Reports,
Notebooks & Printing


3 Months of
assessment and

Cost savings, stability
& good reputation


Assessment Report,
Balance Score Card

3 Months of
assessment and

Correction of system
deficiency, Appropriate
use of resources,
ensuring quality

Analysis and Rationale of Program Costs

Teachers’ output and performance are at the very center of the success of a school.
They play a significant role in implementing teaching and other school programs to ensure
that objectives. Therefore, an evaluation of teachers’ performance is very significant, and a
budget of US $ 200,000 is sufficient to meet the costs of facilitating evaluation team. With
this budget that meets all the costs, evaluation of the program would be successfully
conducted. The feedback on Teacher performance is essential to the improvement of school
program goals.

School Evaluation Plan 6
The government and parents are very interested in students’ overall performance. The
exercise of monitoring and evaluating students by an external party is essential in assessing
and establishing the various inputs, factors, and processes that determine students’
performance. The budget allocation for this task is the US $300,000 (to meet the cost of the
essential resources as well as travel expenses for the evaluation team), which is sufficient in
achieving goals of evaluation. Teacher turnover ratio is significant and indicative of specific
challenges facing teachers. Evaluation of the teacher turnover requires a budgetary allocation
of US $100,000. This enables the evaluation team to focus over time on establishing the
factors leading to turnover rates.
Evaluators also need to establish factors that lead to student turnover rates. These
rates could be indicative. The budgetary allocation is to facilitate the evaluation team with
resources and other incidental costs incurred as a result of seeking to achieve the goal.
Evaluation of the performance of school leadership and management is of utmost
significance. The evaluation team needs to spend a lot of time to establish several factors as
well as measurable corrective measures that can help respective schools improve their
respective overall performance.


Evaluation of overall school programs is critical. Routine evaluation helps school
management and education regulatory authorities to ensure that there is an improvement in
effectiveness, the efficiency of systems as well as the general performance of students. It is
therefore imperative for organizations to make budgetary provision for evaluation.
Organizations that do not invest in evaluation processes are bound to have several challenges.

School Evaluation Plan 7


Berriet-Solliec, M., Labarthe, P., Laurent, C., (2014). Goals of Evaluation and Types of Evidence.

Nguyen, L., Watanabe, T., (2015). The Impact of Project Organizational Culture on the

School Evaluation Plan 8

Performance of Construction Projects.
Rondinelli, D., (1976, March). Project Management Quarterly.
Hopkins, E., Hendry, H., Garrod, F., McClare, S., Pettit, D., Smith, L., Burrel, H., Temple, J.,
(2016, February). Teachers’ views of the impact of school evaluation and external
inspection processes.

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