Colorado Waste Management
Contact a waste management company.
Examine how they track the various products that they pick up from corporate customers, not just
individual or home customers.
Examine why that company for that region or location or some group of customers does not want to use
RFID technology as part of their operations.
Make a case for using RFID technology compared or bar code technology compared to just manual
stubby pen and paper (or lap top today as well) data entry methods.
Make a case against using RFID technology.
Reliable and safe transportation is essential to any industrial environment services
program. It is vital for every waste management company to have sufficient experience,
equipment, and logistics infrastructures to successfully ensure the successful tracking of goods or
products for corporate customers. This enhances reliable, safe and responsible transportation of
by-products. Also, it is crucial to have modern vehicles, well maintained, and equipment
operated by a trained and dependable industry professional. Tracking by-products or waste is an
opportunity for a business transaction to develop a long-term relationship with customers.
Therefore, it is essential to understand a company business and anticipate diverse material
transportation needs. Thus, the logistics and transportation design should provide quality control
and follow-up procedures that enhance the tracing and tracking of by-products for a waste
management company (Kinnaman, 2017).
The Colorado Waste Management Company ensures active tracking of products
by providing quality control, follow-up, strict safety monitoring and enforcement activities. The
company has a waste management mobile application that enhances the tracking of various
products from corporate customers. These tracking activities include the billing process, payment
history, keeping track of pickups, and viewing pick-up schedule. The application for tracking
movement of goods ensures that the company and corporate customers can keep track of pickups
by viewing their pickup schedule, viewing an estimated pickup time, and viewing holiday
schedule. Also, corporate customers are allowed to manage their accounts in order to track the
movement of various goods. This happens by managing and linking multiple accounts, changing
payment methods and contacting customer service.
Colorado Waste Management Company has a mobile website that enables
customers to access their accounts anywhere on any device and at any time. The website
provides tracking services such as pick-up information that enables the company to monitor
goods in transit by providing a mobile service plan, standard messaging and data rates for the
carrier service. Corporate customers are also not required to use opt-in to receive text
notifications on the purchase and tracking of product delivery (Kinnaman, 2017).
Company customers may not like using RFID because of the completion of its
usage. Despite the challenges of applying RFID tags, it helps waste management companies to
optimize the speed and integrity of data collection as well as enabling pay-as-you-throw services.
It also acts as a recycling incentive programs for corporate customers as well as individuals and
business organizations. Also, RFID lacks the same level of focus that is required to universally
appeal to all users, especially on the tracking of various products. Besides, RFID is a relatively
immature technology regarding the application in product transportation and providing solutions
for logistics business. This is because the system lacks sufficient evidence to encourage logistics
managers, especially in waste management companies to apply RFID effectively. RFID stands
alone and needs to provide mature technology that’s capable of providing more extensive
solutions. RFID-based software solutions have not grown and matured to the point of being
readily integrated with existing enterprise applications and business systems. This will ease the
path of adoption. Furthermore, the cost of adopting RFID is pretty high such as development and
ownership costs. The price of RFID tags is high, and many organizations have not closely
integrated RFID capabilities into business applications (Hannan, Al Mamun, Hussain, Basri &
Begum, 2015).
RFID Technology
RFID technology as compared to manual stubby pen and paper or laptop today
concerning data entry methods provides more different benefits. This is because RFID
technology or tags assist waste management companies and municipalities in optimizing data
collection, integrity, and speed as well as assisting in recycling incentive programs. RFID
technologies in waste management solutions provide traceability and identification of waste
streams of products for corporate customers. RFID tags attached to transportation containers
facilitate operators to scrutinize the quality of sorting, tracking the number of times containers
are placed for collection and tracking the weight of the contents in a container. Besides,
container RFID tags help in simplifying service billing and supporting the execution of
incentive-based invoicing. RFID tracking helps companies to improve their data collection
management accuracy as well as tracking fast-moving products in stock, which makes corporate
customers happier and improves performance as well as general sales. The RFID system
generates data that provide valuable insight into consumer buying habits as well as preventing
overbuying based on guesswork and assumptions. RFID technology enhances data security,
privacy, and integrity in supply chain applications (Hannan et al., 2015).
Case against RFID
RFID technology as compared to manual stubby pen and paper or laptop today
regarding data entry methods poses potential security concerns for users. This happens when
traffic analysis and cyber attackers access the communication between RFID tags and the
readers. Security concerns arise due to data compromising by wireless transmission, data storage
and physical security to storage sites. Besides, RFID makes supply chain applications vulnerable
to security risks, especially from external enemies who may access the tags or associated
databases. Logistics companies most effectively apply security controls before using RFID
technology, which is very expensive. Failure to have security controls exposes logistics
companies to risks of data theft, which can affect companies adversely. Therefore, companies
should apply measures by encrypting data transfers, applying different querying protocols,
blocking data transmissions through jamming and blocker tag techniques. It is also essential to
apply privacy measures such as normal-tag and smart-tag to protect users’ privacy.
Kinnaman, T. C. (2017). The economics of residential solid waste management. Routledge.
Hannan, M. A., Al Mamun, M. A., Hussain, A., Basri, H., & Begum, R. A. (2015). A review on
technologies and their usage in solid waste monitoring and management systems: Issues
and challenges. Waste Management, 43, 509-523.