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Collaborative Logistics Management

This assignment is also geared towards you doing extra research to help reinforce your answers.

  1. Why do Stefansson and Russell (2008) consider only two types of interfaces for the CLM model?
  2. Do you think the way this study was done is valid? Whether or not you agree or disagree with their

methodology do some literature research to support your argument.

Collaborative Logistics Management

Stefansson and Russell (2008) used two interfaces in their collaborative logistics
management model. The interfaces were physical interfaces and information interfaces. The use
of the two interfaces in the CLM model was because the informative interviews resulted in the
identification of physical and information interfaces existing in the logistics business under
conventional arrangements. The use of physical interfaces enabled by Stefansson and Russell
(2008) to illustrate resources and goods’ flow with the integration of activity and process. The
authors used information interface in describing flow, data and information substance together
by integrating information technology. Physical and information interfaces were used in the
model of CLM because they were effective in showing the depiction of a logistics business
arrangement. Besides, the model of CLM used the two interfaces because they had attributes that

were important in identifying and understanding the logistics process. Besides, they were able to
drive the execution of transition through planning and management. Information interface was
used to fit the information and exchange of data to suitable collaboration arrangements as well as
describing the relationship between different parties. The physical interface was used to state
activities that needed to take place from origin point to consumption point as well as work
through all potential bottlenecks to generate flawless goods’ flow. The physical interface was
also crucial for each activity in avoiding potential bottleneck regions.


I agree with the study using the CLM model by Stefansson and Russell (2008)
because they used a valid method to collect and analyze data. The authors applied a grounded
theory approach (GTA) to establish the quantitative study because a supply chain interface is a
new field. The methodology was valid because they used exploratory interviews for
understanding the nature of logistics’ interfaces, and the characteristics in addressing
bottlenecks. The standard open-ended interview was useful for allowing flexibility and
establishing new issues in logistics. I agree with this study because the methodology was
developed using literature reviews and the authors used the physical and information interfaces,
which are accurate for the CLM model.



Stefansson, G., & Russell, D. M. (2008). Supply chain interfaces: defining attributes and
attribute values for collaborative logistics management. Journal of Business Logistics, 29(1),

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