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Research statistic

Research statistic

The small organization’s manager wanted to determine the effects the company outing to
the Camp Feel-Good had on job satisfaction. Some people attended and completed some team
building and individual exercises as the weekend event was going on, while others never
attended. The two groups were compared in the absence of assumptions about the group likely to
have the highest job satisfaction. Forty employees engaged in this research, where half had
attended while the other half had not. A likert scale measure with ten items was during and the
total score was to be ten to fifty, where a higher score meant a greater job satisfaction level
(Conference Board, 2013).
Definitely, the twenty employees who participated in the outing are likely to report higher
job satisfaction levels using the likert scale. This is based on the fact that the employees in a
company are among the most vital assets. Therefore, managing them appropriately can make
them happy and productive. In the first place, the outing is an indication of organizational
support, recognition as vital components of the company, and using the likert scale after the
outing is an indication that the company wants to get feedback from the employees. These are
vital aspects that make the employees highly motivated (Conference Board, 2013). The outing
would also need the employees to be flexible as most are conducted during work days, and this
indicates that the management believes in the employees. In addition, an outing is a good way for
the life-work balance, which highly motivates the employees (Conference Board, 2013).
Attending the event is also a good opportunity for the employees to socialize and converse with
the colleagues they might not have interacted with, which promotes the positive, intended impact
on employee job satisfaction.



Conference Board. (2013). Determinants of Job Satisfaction. New York: The Conference Board,

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