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Knowing how and when to use your business communication tools often takes time and practice.

Use your business communication tools often takes time and practice

Communication is essential to leadership success, but knowing how and when to use your business communication tools often takes time and practice. Consider the following case study: You are the manager of a team of workers, and Diego Jimenez is one of your employees. Before joining your department three months ago, Diego worked for six months in another area. Since assigned to your unit, Diego has been repeatedly late for work or absent. Other employees are complaining. You’ve learned that Diego had a similar problem in the other department. Company policy states that if an employee is warned of such a problem and the behaviors continue, the individual may be given a three-day suspension without pay. One important item to consider: Diego, when hes on the job, is a top performer and someone you definitely want to keep on the payroll. He can run circles around the other people. He just has problems with tardiness and absenteeism. Instructions

Your goal with this assignment is to create a comprehensive communication strategy to correct Diego’s performance

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