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Ethical Dilemma in Management

Ethical Dilemma in Management

APA is critical for this paper, and the writer must first read the instructions and then proceed to respond
base on the instructions giving. The writer will select an article which is a peer review or practitioner and
must not be more than 5 years old. The writer will then follow the instructions to respond to the
assignment. As mentioned earlier, APA is critical and the writer must properly format the paper in APA
following the instructions of the prof.

Implications of Ethical Dilemmas in Practice

One way of broaching the topic of ethics in professional practice is to focus on particular ethical dilemmas
that arise in the research or practice that surrounds management activities themselves. For example,
well-known ethical dilemmas exist in the field of human resources, and other dilemmas surround the
handling of financial transactions and decisions.

Search the internet for a scholarly or practitioner article in a peer-reviewed journal not older than 5 years
that deals with an ethical dilemma in a management context. How might you research the dilemma
presented in the article? Would you examine causation, interventions, solutions, structural issues, or
other aspects? Select one or two aspects of the issue presented, and think about how you might
formulate a research-oriented approach that would benefit the larger professional practice.

Begin by presenting a brief overview of the article you found. Next, present the ethical dilemma, followed
by your research approach and its potential practice-based benefits.



The article:
Johnson, E. N., Fleischman, G. M., Valentine, S., & Walker, K. B. (2012). Managers’ Ethical
Evaluations of Earnings Management and Its Consequences. Contemporary Accounting
Research, 29(3), 910-927. doi:10.1111/j.1911-3846.2011.01135.x
Overview of the article
This article discusses the implications of an ethical dilemma in management of
employees’ earnings. Management of employees’ earnings at times is engulfed by ethical
dilemma. The dilemma emanates from the temptations of involved management such that at
times, they could manipulate the payment neither for the good of the employee or the
organization. This kind of ethical dilemma cuts across different kinds of organizations and it is
crucial that it is addressed so as to ensure a good stand in terms of management of the
employees’ earnings. This article addresses the issue of ethical decision making by managers for
the good of the organization.
The ethical dilemma in here touches on earning of a bonus for good management of
employee earnings whilst the real intention of management of the earnings is not for the good of


the organization. Johnson, Fleischman, Valentine & Walker (2012) asserts that; in such
scenarios, issues such as accounting policies and transparency are compromised. In as far as
moral ethics are concerned, management of employees’ earnings should be geared towards the
good of the organization; and, accounting policies as well as transparency must be considered.
When a manager of employees’ earnings contravenes these rules and yet they accept a bonus for
good management, then this becomes unethical.
This kind of ethical dilemma requires research so as to generate new knowledge on it and
to come up with solutions after ascertaining reality on the ground. It is crucial that a good
approach is observed in researching this article. According to Wang (2013) qualitative research
would go a long way in ensuring a proper description of the findings. In the formulation of
research, crucial aspects of this ethical dilemma would be considered. The research would delve
in the causation of this ethical dilemma. On this note, there would efforts to ascertain why there
is deviance from ethical values when it comes to management of employees’ payment. For
instance, it would be crucial to ascertain whether greediness or hard economic times could be
some of the reasons why there is lack of ethics in the management of employees’ payment.
Intervention is another crucial aspect that would be critical to deliberate on in research. The
research would aim to ascertain what could be done to ensure that when managers of employee
payments are faced with such kind of dilemma, they are able to stand to the ethical side and not
lose their direction in as far as moral ethics are concerned.
This kind of research would come with a lot of practice-based benefits. For instance, it
would highlight the prevalence of ethical dilemma in as far as payment of employees is
concerned. Honig, Lampel, Siegel & Drnevich (2014) notes that; with research, the causes of
such ethical dilemmas would be highlighted and therefore caution would be taken by the general


managers to ensure that there is prevention of the same. The factors that fuel such ethical
dilemmas would be highlighted so that they can be avoided. Solutions to this dilemma would be
highlighted. It would therefore be easy for managers to apply the researched solutions in a bid to
ensure that there is adherence to moral ethics when it comes to receipt of a bonus for a good
performance in terms of management of employees’ payment.


Honig, B., Lampel, J., Siegel, D., & Drnevich, P. (2014). Ethics in the Production and
Dissemination of Management Research: Institutional Failure or Individual Fallibility?.
Journal Of Management Studies, 51(1), 118-142
Johnson, E. N., Fleischman, G. M., Valentine, S., & Walker, K. B. (2012). Managers’ Ethical
Evaluations of Earnings Management and Its Consequences. Contemporary Accounting
Research, 29(3), 910-927.
Wang, X. (2013). The construction of researcher–researched relationships in school
ethnography: doing research, participating in the field and reflecting on ethical dilemmas.
International Journal Of Qualitative Studies In Education (QSE), 26(7), 763-779.

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